Permabans for gold buyers please

I’d like to add: Blizzard is dumb for not adding it to Classic.


How in the world would WoW token work in TBC Classic/Classic when the economy is so different from Retail

Since the gold value is dynamic, I don’t think it’ll be any different.


Most gold buyers are working the system a bit to ensure that their main account isn’t the one being banned. If you want to stop gold sellers, remove the demand for gold.


Token could help.



well, this thread wasn’t worth it because it brought all you short-sighted wow token people out. the wow token would ruin the game and i would absolutely quit if it were released.


If anyone is short sighted it’s you, Ashes of Alar sold on my server for 600,000 gold. You think that person farmed that gold?

Gold is already flooded because boosting and botting, which blizzard leaves alone.

Banning gold buyers is irrelevant if they aren’t banning the bots that makes people not want to farm gold.

You can’t find herbs or ore out in the world on my server because it’s all being botted around the clock. Good luck finding a Terocone.


obviously i don’t. i made this thread. and that sale wouldn’t be from farmed gold if blizz added wow tokens. switching who makes the profit doesn’t protect the game from the negative effects of players buying gold.

how would banning gold buyers be irrelevant? it would remove cheaters, remove bought gold from the economy, and greatly discourage gold buying.

that’s just ridiculous, i hate bots and all but i used to farm on whitemane and now farm on benediction. i don’t even think most of the farmers are bots, i regularly pvped with them. plus both servers, especially benediction, have so few farmers late at night. bots don’t sleep.

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Why do you care if people can buy the token??

It literally has no effect on you’re gameplay just like the dude who bought ashes for 600,000 gold.

The gold is already on the server from boosting and bots. The token just changes who owns the gold.

Should just go the FF14 route and make gold basically worthless like it is in FF14, sure it buy raid consumes be the amount you get from playing the game is nuts. You make millions of Gil just doing the story.

Issue is that wow gold has too high of a value and y’all protecting nothing by trying to protect the value of the gold which is silly.

The token also allows others to pay for their sub by farming gold.

also, go play ff14

Is that what banning cheaters is? Unneccessary bullying?

They broke the rules. They can win stupid prizes for playing stupid games.

Yes, generally that is what cheating is. Breaking the rules of the game. Every game it’s only cheating because the rules says it is.


Then don’t. The ignore function works for a reason.

Post stupid garbage on the forums, people will call you out for it.

In this case cheating and fairness are in direct conflict, as Blizzards rules allow you to buy gold in one way but not another.

Essentially people that have a presence on Retail have an unfair advantage over those that don’t.

The double standard in the rules is what tilts me.

BTW, the doublestandard in the rules makes it very hard for Blizzard then to police the issue, how do they tell if someone receiving a large sum of gold in classic had bought tokens and transfered them to that gold traider in retail as part of the trade (legit within acceptable use policy)?

They can trace all that but it’s additional complexity. IMO they need to either add tokens in Classic or make both forms of trading against the ToS.

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The gold selling sites have armies of worker bees that could really make problems for big tech firms like Blizzard. DDOSing is one method but there are many… So they allow them to coexist because also in the end they have to buy subscriptions to farm dead content….

With this logic just put in the token.

Imagine banning the buyers but not the bots farming the gold…I guess this is blizzard tho.


imagine being so naive as to think that permabanning gold buyers would IMPROVE the health of the game, lmao

Tell me you don’t know how the tokens work without telling me…

Blizzard just sell all gear, riding and stuff so people can buy directly from Blizzard instead of 3rd party. It makes more business sense. I 'd rather pay another 50 bucks and get flying than churn 4 weeks for 5k gold. We already have 58 leveling, just let previous teir set gear for sale.

Only the stupid gold buyers would be banned. There are lots of ways to get around Blizzard’s algorithm. You can’t stop people from buying gold as long as the demand is there.

i’m guessing this was a reading comprehension problem on your part. of course i know how tokens work. they’ve been in retail for a long time. why don’t you try arguing what i said instead?