Permabans for gold buyers please

The only problem with tokens on Retail is that Blizzard does not regulate their cost… I would be all for tokens on TBCC, but they need to be regulated so they dont create inflation.

All they have to do is put a cap on the gold you can pass to other accounts.
All AH goods to be sold would be BoC .;other words not for resale, just for the buyers if they can use it.

the wow token would ruin this game. permabans for gold buyers please.


you know that you already can trade retail gold for tbcc right?

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yep. that shouldn’t be allowed either. there are lots of things i don’t like. this topic is about banning gold buyers.


yeah you can buy gold in retail and transfer to tbcc

i was going to re-explain what this topic is about but i think you are the only one slow enough to not understand.


I’m sure this has already been said, but permabanning people for such a minor offense is exactly how games die.

Ban bots, not people. Then RWT gold will be expensive, farming will be more profitable, and people will be less likely to purchase gold. It’s a supply-demand problem.


This thread is going to make people start trading gold to classic from retail now. I’m sure I’m not the only one who didnt know this was possible. Great job. This thread has encouraged people who are too scared to buy gold now through retail tokens. kekw

i would argue that cheating is not a minor offense, but that is somewhat subjective. banning more bots will just result in new bot accounts. classic is only $15 a month for a new account and a bot can make thousands of dollars.

also, with classic only being $15 a month i would also say permaban isn’t even that bad of a punishment. you just have to start over because you cheated. you’ll even continue to just pay $15 a month.

if there were no bots at all do you think that gold selling would disappear? i don’t think so. third world countries used to just use cheap labor to farm gold back when blizz cared about bots.

stay mad cheater


What are you talking about? I’m not mad I’m just saying that I never knew you could trade gold from retail and not break ToS? Like is this common knowledge how have I never heard of this?

You will also lose the gold you bought as well. So you come back after three days
and do not have the gold you bought.

I used to agree with taking a hard line, but the fact is, Blizzard support gold buying and don’t see it as cheating … If you buy the gold off them.

As it is, banning gold buyers will just highlight a double standard. People will still be allowed to buy tokens and then trade gold in retail and pay it out in classic - effectively buying gold - without breaching the ToS. So you have a double standard where classic players with active retail characters can buy as much gold as they like and trade to someone in retail in return for gold to their classic characters legally while the rest can’t.

They clearly support gold buying so long as they pocket the money, so just introduce classic tokens and be done with it.

Give people a direct means of doing what they’re already allowed to do.

If fairness is your motive then to achieve fairness either everyone should be able to legally buy gold or noone should.

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Wait… What? How does this make any sense?

Blizzard doesn’t want anyone making money off of their own IP…

They literally allow people to buy tokens in retail and trade with players retail gold for gold in classic. It’s acceptable in the ToS.

It makes sense because they make the money. But lets not pretend it’s about cheating or fairness - it’s about whether or not Blizzard pocket the doe.

They don’t support buying third party gold but they do support buying Blizzard gold via tokens and trading to Classic.

It’s this double standard in their policy that makes me go “stuff it, let people buy gold - who can blame them”. They don’t care if some players get a paid for advantage over others just so long as the payment goes to Blizzard HQ.


The token thing is all contained withing Blizzard… It’s their IP, and their right to donas they see fit.

Third party gold sellers are entirely different, and in no way affiliated with or supported by Blizzard.

You’re not making any sense.

It’s the ethical line that had been crossed :wink:

Sort of why Vigilantes like to point out the double standard. I don’t disagree with them either. However it carries a risk…

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It’s not unethical to sell your own product in any way, shape or form.

The fact that 3rd party sellers exist indicate that there’s a market for gold. Any business would be stupid to not respond.

If you actually stop and think, the token is probably the most fair way to go. I’m not sure why anyone would cry about it.

  • Players who are short on time but have some extra money can pay a little extra to get their gold
  • Folks who have lots of time to play and are willing to farm gold can play for free

It’s really a win/win that helps the sweaties and the casuals.


So it’s okay for some players to have an advantage over others because they’re willing to pay Blizzard more money?

Pay to win is okay if you pay the owner of the IP … else it’s bad and warrants a perma ban?

You’re not making sense.

My claim: Pay to win is either bad if anyone does it or fine if everyone does it. But not okay for some and not for others. One rule for all.

Honestly - pay to win sucks. It’s bad gaming. But Blizzard support it - when you pay them. It’s not an argument or my opinion, it’s supported in their ToS - just not through third parties. Do I like that? No, I think it stinks.


Actually, you’re still not making sense…

  • Combatting bits/gold sellers isn’t nearly as easy as some here on the forums believe
  • Combatting gold buyers isn’t easy, either… And banning can hurt subs
  • The 3rd party gold market will persist regardless of harsh measures

You can try tonout the “pay-ro-win” strawman out if you want… But it doesn’t change any of the above.

The token isn’t unethical, hypocritical or immoral in any way.