Perma banned for name violation?

Do not think anyone needs the name explained!


Let’s leave this discussion alone now.

There’s nothing to be gained by continuing to argue with someone whose sole purpose here is to pointlessly argue.

The Panda or the Centaur (or maybe one of the lesser-seen Blue Crew) will pop in, deliver the coup de grâce, and put this miserable “Argument Clinic” thread away whereever it belongs (locked or 404-land).


Honor level 220 here.

Everything that has been said by Ayukama, Capslock, Perl and all of the other CS regulars are correct.

You are the one who is in the wrong here, you broke the ToS with the character name and very likely use of profanity and toxicity in game as well which (on multiple occasions) got you banned and an account closure.

If you can’t help but use profanity, be toxic putting other players down, and continue to use names clearly against ToS WoW isn’t for you.


I’m going to address the general question here that seems to be:

“Can a name report result in a ban?” and the answer is Yes - with conditions.

As others have pointed out, account penalties stack. We try to give players the benefit and opportunity to change their ways before making the decision to close an account. So chat and naming violations that we review after they get reported usually result in small restrictions like changing the name of the character or a temporary chat silence. If the behavior doesn’t change, and we continue to receive reports, those restrictions can increase in severity and duration until ultimately resulting in an account closure.

To address the OP more directly, this is an understatement. Your account has received numerous penalties across multiple game licenses. I would expect at this point for you to be very aware of how penalties stack and severity increases. This is not your first ban, and if you do decide to return without changing your behavior I expect it will not be your last.

Harassment and toxicity are not limited to swearing, and our policies are outlined in such a way to account for players who may try to skirt the line of harassment and inappropriate communications.

Our In-game Code of Conduct is available on our support site, but occasionally players will be reminded with a Social Contract notice when logging into the game itself. This guides our decisions on appropriate in-game behavior and communications.


When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.