isn’t this usually just a name change?
and why wait this long?
i think i may be the victim of a mass report?
Yeah mass reports = ban is a urban myth like sasquatch or ogopogo all it takes is one report and if its a violation then its it will be actioned.
Secondly Its clearly not ur first account acction if its a perma ban.
Lastly nothing can be done here but apeal.
If you’ve had multiple forced changes in the past, yes.
Blizzard is reactionary. They don’t go policing names, they wait until other players report you first.
the problem is the action email doesn’t say what the violation was, only that the account was banned and this toon, the one im posting on, was “modified”.
A blue can take a look in the morning but penalties stack and if u have a history or bad choices weather its naming or language im sure well find out in the morning sooner or later blizzard will have enough and wash there hands of a player.
Only thing you can do. Nothing can happen here on the forums.
For a first offense, yes. Subsequent offenses result in account level suspensions, since clearly the warning did not work.
oh i certainly do have a history of less than flowery conversations in bgs but they are purposely without cursing. mild trolling of egos. truths people don’t want to hear but how does being reported for a name which may or may not be offensive after months of playing it not warrant a name change before going full banned mode? the name ist veiled cursing. not racist or ableist. not the actual name of a real person so why was it even tagged as offensive?
can i name a character Spit?
oh wait that name is taken.
Just adding on for relevance from the Naming Policy article.
In most cases, a player will receive a warning about the offending name and will be assigned a randomly generated temporary name. A message will be sent to the account’s registered email address with instructions on how to change the temporary name to one of the player’s choosing. In guild name violations, the message will be sent to the guild leader.
In some cases, violating this policy may result in action being taken against a WoW game account.
Feigning ignorance is cute, but doesn’t fly here.
You know very well what it’s in reference to, and sexual references are not permitted in the game.
Just to point out, chat communications don’t have to contain profanity or be directed to another person in order to be considered toxic and / or inappropriate to be actionable. “Trolling of egos” and “truths people don’t want to hear”, if typed in derogatory ways (i.e. calling people bad or name calling) is considered toxic and Blizzard will take action of reported.
Were not realy suposed to discuss account actions in this much detail all you can do is apeal since nothing said here will have any outcome on ur apeal.
everything is toxic and can be reported based on each individual’s feelings. feelings that tell them to report someone if they dont like being confronted with the truth and have no actual rebuttals besides mashing that report button.
tell me how this statement rubs you. the context is a battleground your team is losing.
“you should go do something else”
It means people dont like bullying or toxic players in BG if u cant sayanything nice in chat dont say it its not about being soft or woke its about being nice like the social contract that u clicked agree to said.
feelings are subjective but the report button isnt. players can and do weaponise the report system and its feeling likely this name report put me over the edge i usually toe in bgs trolling.
If you were reported for the name in question, then there is no “subjectivity” component necessary. It clearly, monumentally violates the rules considering what the name initially references, and the baggage added to it by the very same woman in recent times. The name is extremely inappropriate and blatant, graphic sexual references can cause greater penalties than typical naming violations.
We can report you till the end of time ingame or the forums but unless u actualy are breaking the rules you wont be actioned Its literaly black and white
The report button, whether tapped by one player or mashed by a hundred, only matters because it brings someone to a GM’s attention.
After that, it’s just the GM and the player. And the system logs.
If you’ve been actioned, it’s because a GM judged that you broke the rules.
one report gets looked over in the AM. 20 reports gets instant squelched , logged off and an email sent.
this was insant after someone else called out the name in a bg.
there are several players named Spit its the same thing.
And they can also get in trouble for having that name.
No, multiple reports will initiate a chat squelch if said reports are related to it, but they don’t get you logged off. You get booted from the game when a GM suspends your account.