Perhaps the night elves deserved it

Blood elf logic. :crazy_face:
The victim is always guilty of not letting himself be destroyed.
Worse, when the victim takes a punishment against his detractors, as Greymane did in Thronheim, by preventing Syl from enslaving the queen of the Valkyrs, after Syl abandoned the alliance in Broken Shore.

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If only she had elected to stay and die we would not be languishing in these hollow lands.

So sick of night elves…

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So did you do the rogue class campaign in legion? Because that shows you what actually happened on the Broken Shore. Mathias Shaw was replaced by a dread lord and the horde and alliance were brought into a trap on the Broken Shore. Then Mathias fed false information about this being the Horde plan to get Varian killed and the Alliance destroyed.

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Have you looked at the Blizzard HQ?


And according to the sadolands lore, it was all orchestrated for Syl to be herself the new leader of the horde, according to the jailor’s plans.

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Except Shadowlands lore throws that all away. The Dreadlords work for Zovaal, who in turn commands Sylvanas, so she actually DID want Varian killed because she believed his son could not lead effectively and get more Alliance killed.

Check mate.


Says the person generalizing Night Elves.


As if genocide is ever a okay thing to do. Would you kill a baby in a stroller just for the lolz? Where is the conscience telling you it is wrong?


Yes, the Jailor propped up Garrosh got him to go crazy only to be defeated and imprision then have him escape with a Bronze Dragon to an alternate time line where Gul’Dan managed to gain control of the fel horde and then after being defeated escaped back to Azeroth and summon the burning legion with the combined forces of horde and alliance falling into a trap that resulted in Varian sacrificing himself to save some of his troops and Genn.

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The invasion was definitely justified in my opinion and I agree with you 100% there was no honor in burning down the tree.

However the Night Elves haven’t been the friendliest of bunch to the Horde and they’ve been murdering the Horde over trees for quite a while now, smh.

Kalimdor is Horde lands.

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Something tells me this orc had lost it.

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I mean… is the baby being obnoxious?

I kid.

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Oh yeah we did daddy burn me harder :fire: :elf: :peach: :comet:

I deserve it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smirk:

Nightelfs…so bad even their “god” let them die. Sure she was doing it for a good reason and had no idea they’d all end up in wow hell…but she let them die!

No, Night Elves told them to not use Arcane magic because it attracted demons. Highborne didn’t use Shamanism, neither used Fel, so it was only Arcane. They wanted to keep using Arcane, so not sure where do you get the idea it was every magic or why would they mention other magics. At the end of the day, the Blood Elves did the same thing that made them hate the Night Elves, regardless of right or wrong.

And this getting mad because one uses the power of an enemy is an incredibly more silly excuse. The Blood Elves use the Fel, they use Death, they use Void.

As for seeing us “devoured” by the Void. I am sad to tell you that according to Nzoth’s visions, The Horde has as much chances to fall to the Void as Void Elves. Which is quite sad.

Also I am pretty, PRETTY sure that the amount of Orcs, Trolls and Forsaken have been way more than just Garithos army. The Blood Elves are a cool race, don’t get me wrong, but they are hypocrites, which is ok, nobody is perfect (aside from my Void Elf, of course).

“iT wUz JuSt OnE gUy”

Just why? :rofl:


Show me where such a meeting could have happened before the Nelves started murdering everything indiscriminately.

IIRC neither the Horde nor Humans knew Nelfs existed until they destroyed their settlements, and at that point diplomacy is out of the question.

i do like your post, but just skimming night elf history, seems to me they advanced too far in magic, fought back the legion, secluded themselves and took up the hobby of protecting nature. seems pretty harmless to me.

they fought the orcs when they came over from eastern kingdom because they were destroying the land. seems pretty reasonable to me.

not sure im seeing anything that indicates the night elves should be conquered other than sheer greed from the conqueror.


when in rome…

could of adopted the way of the land and lived in trees. i dont come into your neighborhood and start building tunnels under your house because im a mole person.


I’d like to point out that Sylvanas technically broke that first with the Blight facility in Stormheim…