Perhaps the night elves deserved it

Bawahahahaha I needed a good joke today.


Good ol’ Crug

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That is exactly what a mole person would say!! :thinking:

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The way Blizzard told this story lets people think about it.
The way Blizzard portrays the action and motives conveys that emotion of disregard that Elune seems to have had with the Night Elves.

And so it’s a catastrophic failure that only blunts the Night Elves lore and makes Elune look childish, weak, foolish and incompetent.
She doesn’t even show any anger at what happened to the night elves.
She just regrets but doesn’t think about doing something.

But it’s the image that Blizzard wanted to give to a character that everyone has been waiting for years to see something.
And when we see Elune, she is failing. Shameful. Disheartening.

But Blizzard figured it was something big for the Night elves.

Well they did decide to sabotage the Blood Elves mana Sanctum things simply because ‘they knew better’. Storywise this is before the Belves even deal with Dar’khan and join the Horde.

But then what does one expect from the collective that exiled the Highborne and established an illegitimate theocracy that ruled through dogma and a secret police force? Because that’s what Tyrande did for 10,000 years.

Setting aside the whole “9 out of 10 High Elves died to the Scourge, and the survivors have extreme mana lethargy”, I am pretty sure that any nation, invading a sovereign country full of people you exiled the ancestors of, simply because:

“We know better than you. Now shut up and accept our values, even though this is your country that you built after we forced you to leave your true home and we threatened to murder you if you did not.”

—is a good way to convince said race to return the favor. That’s an act of war.

It’s like engaging in eco-terrorism on farms, while people are in the grips of famine.

Oh and let’s not forget that said race of Elves also ran a facility that incarcerated individuals for real and imagined crimes against said illegitimate nation. Blood Elf Demon Hunters being locked up by the Wardens? Even doing that, instead of sending them back to Silvermoon was an Act of War also.

Frankly if I were Lor’themar and I’d caught wind of it, I’d of sent the Blood Knights and Farstriders in to paint the walls of Maiev’s little prison on the Broken Isles red with the blood of every Warden that was incarcerating citizens of Silvermoon.

The Illidari were ‘not’ a part of Kael’thas’ fel-blood traitors. They sure would of been helpful dealing with Arthas, with Deathwing, Garrosh, Gul’dan, and golly the Legion too. We might of gotten the drop on the demons for once.

Sad that the tree burned, but the Night Elves were due for an ugly shock of karma. I haven’t even mentioned the way they treated the Shatterspear Trolls, Warsong Clan, or the murder of Duke Lionheart either.

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Yikes. This thread was an amusing read but it’s just that—poking fun. Some of these people actually think they’re Night Elves 😵‍💫

Your ignorance and false sense of entitlement to the world around you is no ones problem but your own, nor is it an excuse. You think that just because you cant see it’s owners, the land must naturally be yours to claim. This is what the Kaldorei’s caution was born from; the reckless and oblivious mentality of races too young to know any better. You’re dangerous to both yourselves and everything around you. You take and destroy and never bother to ask what the victims and ruins of your rage meant. But even for a child-race, knowing that a foreign world does not belong to them is usually common sense.

What you’ve just said is exactly what happened in the old kaldorei empire… like literally to a T. So if by your logic resistance = redemption, your argument is forfeit. By defending the orcs you’ve basically also just defended the night elves.

How else were we supposed to make houses? Last I checked you can’t make roofs out of dust.

Maybe instead of attacking settlers on sight you could, oh I don’t know, say “hey, we’re living here, maybe go settle Mulgore”.

Elune didn’t do anything.
Tyranda didn’t do anything.
All this “rage” is just to cover their feelings of guilt.