That’s easy.
The Blood Elves, the Nightborne and oh, the Orcs whose racism affected their own faction with Garrosh.
That’s easy.
The Blood Elves, the Nightborne and oh, the Orcs whose racism affected their own faction with Garrosh.
Blood elves and nightborne shunned by night elves
With very good reasons.
The fun thing is that the Blood Elves hate the Night Elves from shunning them for using dangeorus magic.
And then they go and shun the Void Elves. Couple that with silly things said by them like “We the Blood Elves defended the world and the Night Elves did nothing” or “The Horde exists because of the Alliance (when is the opposite)” makes this race quite funny .
Also, let’s not forget when the Blood Elves put the entire human race on the same bag for Garithos. But didn’t do it with the Trolls, Orcs and Forsaken who have been doing far more damage to them in the past.
Anyway, Orcs still win, or Nightborne. Because the racist branch of the Night Elves was kicked out , and the majority are now Blood Elves, Highborne, Nightborne, Void Elves, and their many names.
Garrosh was one orc (ok and a bunch of followers) and was resented and inevitably resisted by a very large portion of the Horde because of his active racism. Your example actually makes orcs in general look better considering how divisive the Horde was about his actions.
Meanwhile it’s no secret the Night Elves as a whole were generally hostile to most other races until Warcraft 3 when the Legion forced them to work with the Orcs and Humans.
That being said it really is silly that the Night Elves went Alliance instead of Horde. The only thing the Orcs did to upset the Night Elves was chop down a part of Ashenvale and kill Cenarius (whom they knew would return, and that same orc went on to kill Mannaroth). Beyond that, Tyrande and Malfurion were once allied with an Orc who sacrificed himself to prevent Sargeras from arriving, and the Night Elves are active friends with the Tauren, who were now friends to the Horde. Meanwhile their sole interraction with the Alliance beyond the Mount Hyjal thing was a series of skirmishes during a demonic invasion.
Three nickels… remember Kilrogg drank the fel-aid in HFC at the tail-end of WoD.
Mmmmmmm, gonna go with no here.
I can’t think of a more racist, ignorant, short sided thinking society than the night elves.
This being said by an orc.
A representative of a race of thieves, murderers, outlaws, traitors and who only massacred innocents or those who were weakest in their own world, always attacking from behind and who managed the feat of destroying the planet itself after selling their souls for power just to being made of slaves without caring about the future of future generations of their own people.
Justice had yet to be given to them.
The devs agree.
That’s why Tyrande is being portrayed as a loser who can’t even take revenge for the dead against her common tormentor.
Elune is being portrayed as a limited, weak and confused entity, below even Bowsandi.
That’s why the devs consider that seeking renewal is the best thing Tyrande and Elune can do, because against the genocide and destruction that Syl and the horde committed, only forgiveness can heal the Night Elves’ wounds and bring justice to the alliance.
So yeah, Night Elves deserved what happened because the devs considered it the most memorable thing they could do for the lore of the race.
Have Mercy.
By this logic, people who live in backward countries deserve to suffer for their society’s failings.
Night elves didn’t shun them for using dangerous magic, they shunned them for using any magic that wasn’t granted to them by Elune or Cenarius. Then locked up Illidan for preserving what remained of the Well of Eternity but then turned around and had a tree soak it up and got some dragons to bless then proceeded to enjoy their newfound eternal youth… yeah really suffering for their actions there. If they had any real principles they would have rejected it.
Void elves deserved what they got and I look forward to seeing them slowly get devoured by the void that inhabits their bodies. “Hey, I know we just barely survived that whole Arthas genocide thing but a few of us decided we are gonna follow the teachings of the guy that betrayed us all and led the Scourge into our home. We cool though right?”
Lastly it wasn’t just Garithos, as much as some like to say “iT wUz JuSt OnE gUy”, he represented what most other races thought of the High/Blood Elves at the time. Humans in particular were quite distrustful (obviously not as much as Night Elves though) as the High Elves had left the Alliance after the second war but also they were quite jealous of the elves longevity. This only became worse when the Blood Elves addiction manifested after the destruction of the Sunwell and rather than offering any help, the humans actually hid away any magical relics or artifacts that the Elves could have used to sate the hunger that ate at them from the inside.
Hey, at least we didn’t pave our way to the Dark Portal with the bones of our neighbors.
The orcish argument would probably be that the draenei weren’t “neighbors.” They were alien invaders.
Perhaps the Night Elves deserved it?
There is no question the Night Elves deserved it.
Among many reasons, they harbored the War Criminal Genn Greymane and his failed assassins. Any city that harbors those who attempt to kill the Warchief should be burned to cinders, and their people’s souls used as fuel for the spell work of Warlocks.
I can’t think of a more racist, ignorant, short sided thinking society than the night elves.
Idk. The Vulpera think with short sides in mind. Their caravans are kind of small on the inside. Other races have to travel on the hitch.
Among many reasons, they harbored the War Criminal Genn Greymane and his failed assassins.
How is Genn Greymane a War Criminal when Sylvanas invaded him?
It’s just sad, Shadowmeld couldn’t save them.
Its weird: Tyrande in WC3 told Kaelthas needed to let go of his rage and vengeance or else he would be consumed by it when she and Maiev meet him in the Sentinel campaign.
Which then was further exemplified by the ending cutscene of the Sentinel expansion where Malfurion comments that Maiev has been lost to her rage-filled vengeance and is beyond reason.
You still are dishonorable. Scorched earth tactics just because you lost the battle at Lordaeron. Then more scorched earth in darkshore cause yet again, you were losing the overall battle and decided to employ more blight AFTER burning down an entire city and the various towns located within a giant tree. All because another lunatic leader was in control. I mean, seriously. After garrosh, the horde should have had better sense than to listen to sylvanas. Even garrosh knew she was certifiable beyond what he was and kept her on a short leash.
I can’t think of a more evil and repugnant person than one who thinks genocide is ever deserved.
What planet tho
It’s just like a big floating rock now…
Tho… Orgrimmar is inside of a giant rock.
Maybe orcs would like that rock after all.
How is Genn Greymane a War Criminal when Sylvanas invaded him?
He used Alliance resources during the Legion invasion to attempt to assassinate the Horde Warchief at Stormheim - after the two Factions had made peace for the unified assault on the Broken Shore.
Anduin rebuked him for it. But he doesn’t get to be the judge for Horde justice. (Unless he becomes the new arbiter- then I guess judging every one will be his thing)
(Unless he becomes the new arbiter- then I guess judging every one will be his thing)
Plz no. Genn becoming Arbiter for any reason would make me uninstall WoW forever for sure.
Medan would make a better arbiter.