Perhaps the night elves deserved it

I can’t think of a more racist, ignorant, short sided thinking society than the night elves.

In fact, judging by their history it’s surprising they joined the alliance at all.

To be clear I think it was dishonorable to burn the tree. I think it’s quite cowardly actually.

As an orc, I want every opportunity to face my enemy…burning a tree from afar doesn’t satisfy me.

I want to die in combat. That is the most honorable, and noble possibility for an orc.

However the night elves needed to be invaded. They deserved it. READ their history on wowpedia. People act like they are innocent because they’re a pretty race.


Their city should have been ransacked and perhaps occupied. Children to be spared of course. Whether we enslave them and do indoctrination among them is an option. Or we could have just shipped them on boats to stormwind. Perhaps as a bargaining chip?

It was only genocide because we burned the tree. If we didn’t burn the tree it wouldn’t have been genocide. I’m NOT advocating for genocide.

What I am advocating for is a more honorable and humanitarian way to command and conquer lands.

This is world of WARcraft.

In conclusion I am just saying the night elves aren’t innocent in this conflict. And the initial invasion was justified.


Coming from an orc that is pretty funny. How quick someone forgets about Garrosh…


I didn’t like garrosh. Don’t generalize me.


And yet you are generalizing Night Elves…


Justice had yet to be given to them.


If they didn’t want to burn they shouldn’t have been so flammable.


Hey, at least we didn’t pave our way to the Dark Portal with the bones of our neighbors.


You play an orc. The race that has committed genocide at least once, never looks at the long-term consequences of their actions (see: Azshara/clearcutting resources, Broken Front, etc), and has repeatedly been the bad guy.

The entire point of the night elves is that they stuck to their lands and fought viciously to protect it. Unlike the orcs, they were never expansionist (in fact, their empire shrunk tremendously over the millennia), and almost exclusively fought a defensive war.

If you want an elf slave for… reasons… there’s easier ways.

They weren’t innocent in that they were combatants, but they didn’t deserve what happened to them.


They made mistakes; something something demons, planetary explosion, it’s not important.

But they made up for them! They’re just people like any other. The majority of them do good things, some of them do bad things. The orcs have a much bigger naughty list than they do.


The orcs have long since paid for their sins at the end of the second war. We admitted to ourselves that we were decived and dishonorable

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Your people came to their land and started cutting woods.

Orcs have destroyed Draenor.

Look at real life right now. Forests are burning and environments are being destroyed.

Orcs are same. They burn forests and destroy environments.

There are 0 orc druids. And there is a reason why.


They didn’t deserve the genocide. But they deserved to be fought against. They deserved to lose their home. Just not in the way that it happens.

We should have been more humanitarian and honorable with the take over. Or in this case destruction.


Perhaps they will learn not to build their capital on an easily circled island.

There are 0 void elf Druids. And there is a reason why.



At least when orcs do attrocities they are being MC’d by powerful evil entities, what’s the Nelves’ excuse for being isolationist jerkwads?

Oh shoot our bad, we shoulda just stayed in the concentration camps the Humans built for us… Can’t build a house without cutting down a tree.


I agree with this though it doesn’t excuse the genocidal tendencies of Orcs. (Garrosh, Road to Glory etc…)

I mean we can find excuses to why anyone deserves bad treatment upon them. :woman_shrugging:

Then there’s Garrosh who with free will tried to genocide anyone who was not an Orc.


Worf approves!


And yet when they ran into an enemy that could stand toe to toe with them the orcs ran back to the demons they “admitted deceived them into doing dishonorable things” to get some blood to drink.

Also you seem to have a strange idea of what orc honor is.

Orc honor is basically just murder points that you lose if you kill someone that is for whatever random reason deemed dishonorable to kill.


you have the curve like garrosh


How about you go back to your planet and try not killing everyone around you for once?