Perhaps the night elves deserved it

Ooh, this will be interesting.


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Steals Locûtus’s popcorn.

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You see loc…they deserved it :wink:

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You’re just jealous that I’m denying you any popcorn :tongue:

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Don’t worry, I have spares.


I’ll give you this though, not all Night Elves are worth saving.

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I’m fine with that.

Steals more popcorn


Perhaps maybe if all elves, not just night elves, would be more into technology fused with death magic.

The Zae’dorei would be my finest creations in the coming uplifting after Elune’s silly mistake.

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The bias hither is palpable.


Says the demon-tainted alien who invaded from a world they corrupted so badly it literally shattered.


We have long since paid for our sins. We were enslaved.

Was it free will? I mean come on, the introductory quest to Pandaria was everyone being MC’d by the remnants of an Old God (the sha) to kill everyone they perceived as a threat. Who’s to say that Garrosh wasn’t corrupted the same way the very second he set foot on the island?

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Ladies and gentletrolls: Exhibit A.

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Ironic coming from an Orc. I feel we can no longer say that we love Crug.

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This is why you don’t have a warchief.

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If thou loathest ignorance and short sight so I must reckon thou disdainest mirrors.

But then 'tis wrong of me to apply basic Human standards of empathy and rationale to a lowly greenskin.

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If i had a nickel for everytime an orcs took demon blood, got enslaved and went on a rampage, I’d have two nickels.

Which isn’t a lot but it’s wierd that it happen twice.


You invaded our land, cut down our trees, defiled our sacred places and even killed one of our deities for defending whats belonged to us since before your earliest ancestors flung poo at each other.

Night Elves have never been a morally perfect race. But remember this, despite all our faults, our reputation still isn’t nearly as tarnished as yours. You came to this world as invaders after you finished destroying your own, remember that next time before you decide to cast judgment.

A small portion of us made a terrible mistake that violently reshaped our world. Many died, our empire fell and so did most of our people. But those that survived, despite not being responsible for the war and it’s aftermath, still took upon themselves the duty to heal what their kin had destroyed. The Night Elves have devoted their lives as a people to a noble cause; protecting the natural balance of Azeroth, and therefore ensuring it’s continuation, as well as the continuation of the younger races that live alongside us.

We payed for our mistakes with our blood and the destruction of our home, twice. even now the Night Elves still pay for their sins in the form of how fleeting they are (lorewise). I think it’s safe to say that after ten thousand years of hardship and loss, the night elves have paid enough.

Now… what have the orcs done to make amends for their past atrocities? have any of you apologized to the Draenei for that Road no one ever mentions anymore? or how about the humans, for burning their cities to the ground?
Bc you’ve certainly never given any sign of remorse to the night elves for all the BS you’ve thrown their way over the years.

The Night Elves Xenophobic nature came from their caution. They lived through a catastrophe that they know a being belonging to a younger race could very easily recreate. You cant blame them for protecting themselves.


The Polite thing to have done would’ve been to ASK. Maybe the Night Elves could have helped you.

But no, the only thing you understood was war.


C’mon Crug, not another one of your postings you make out of boredom.


I’ve been Exposed :neutral_face:

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