People with Arachnophobia?

ok orca or polar bears lol
and not the cola versions


I guess it depends on if they’re hungry or not. That’s a tricky choice

well if the bear sees you are lunch
unless you are Russian lol

Orcas are powerful hunters, but not murder oreos in the wild to people. The only murders were from captive populations who were honestly abused. The treatment of captive orcas is heartbreaking. These are smart animals and the enclosures are not and will never be big enough for them. These populations travel oceans. They’re not out killing people in the wild.

Now there are other whales that actually save people from sharks and stuff by moving the creatures onto their bellies. Or putting themself between the predator and smaller animal.

Well they’re more murder oreos to other animals. Still scary lol.

Huh. I’m the opposite. Terrified of most spiders irl, namely the skinny ones with the large spinnerets due to growing up around the deadly strain of Black Widows, but the in-game usually doesn’t bother me. I actually find spiders cool in-game, since they’re, effectively, harmless and I’m free to look at them at my leisure.

With the exception of the aforementioned skinny ones. I remember being spooked in by the ones in Searing Gorge at one point. I got over it, since they’re just in-game stuff.

Fuzzy tarantulas are kinda adorable, but I’m still not going to touch one when some of them have fangs bigger than my own teeth.

Yeah. We’re not seals. >.>;;;;;; But yeah. Hunting strategy for orcas are scary but they’re not out to kill us.

Turn them into bowls of fruit!

Alright challenge accepted.

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My arachnophobia isn’t that bad, but I know how you feel and I had the same problem for a long time. Once I finally got used to the spiders in WoW, they introduced that awful spider mount and it took me so long to get used to seeing people around on that.

The only thing that helped me is just seeing them and getting used to it over time, because each time you see them you just have to mentally remind yourself that they’re not real spiders and you’re fine.

Same, the fat spiders with the furry legs don’t bother me at all. But that’s exactly why the spider mount bothered me so much, it’s just like you described.

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OP, this whole reply from me is a gentle suggestion and I get where you’re coming from. I have a fear of heights, but I wouldn’t ask for flying to be removed from the game. When I have a problem with flying it’s usually going straight down to the ground, so I just don’t dive in flight. I do slow descents.

Exposure therapy is really good for fears. In this case, you could make a hunter and tame nothing but spiders (of every type of model in game). But this is something you can take at your own pace with exposure therapy. It takes a lot to get over a fear, but if this can make you more comfortable with the game it can help.

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Weird irony: I’ve always wanted the Black Widow mount. It’s so cool. I’m weird.


Not alone there. Would love a Black Widow mount. Also would love one modeled after the tiny jumping spiders.

These are adorable, too, and to be fair these guys are genuinely chill, and just jump on us to explore. Even if you’re kind of afraid of them you can take solace knowing they’re too small to bite even if they wanted to.

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My god you people will hijack any thread.

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It’s the opposite for me. I’m a bit creeped out by real spiders, but I’m unfazed by pixels.

I actually lol’d when I read this comment :laughing: It really is getting that ridiculous

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Sounds like anti-arachnid bigotry to me.

That’s another name for Khadgar.

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