People with Arachnophobia?

I have arachnophobia IRL, in a digital world I don’t.

like the number 13
or trypophobia

Episodes of TV take awhile to produce, so there’s plenty of time for a test to be done if it WAS real (it’s not though).

i looked it up about 2-5 days on some labs and up to 10 days for others
also the way the crowd would turn heel so fast also

This is the way.

It’s funny, they bother me a lot in real life, but in game ones don’t.

What scares/triggers me in game is sharks. I can’t stand to be in water


i had the same fear of sharks in game but nothing terrifies me more then the darkest ocean

I love sharks. Except bull sharks. Those guys suck. Just hyper aggressive.

That one stupid shark in banjo kazooie terrified me as a kid.

They need to remove all the violence too. I mean, do they not care about those of us with crippling PTSD?

bull sharks the only sharks that are on crack lol

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Yeah they suck lol.

My fav shark tho is Deep Blue. She’s an absolute UNIT of a great white even when she’s not pregnant.

the sharks i love are the megalodons dino fan here
but all sharks are good just misguided

Yeah. Its cute when some sharks have a fav human they swim to when they’re scuba diving. Just to get some snoot rubs

the tiger shark one lol

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I’m honestly more afraid of dolphins and orcas than a shark.

I’ve always wanted to see a beluga up close. They’re so cute

i am a fan of orcas
but dolphins will save you if you have sharks around you

The typical therapy for this is to be exposed to what you’re afraid of to build up a tolerance. Go to areas with small spiders that aren’t aggressive, walk around in them, remind yourself they are nothing but pixels on a screen and are not real. When that doesn’t bother you so much anymore then move on to areas with larger spiders that aren’t aggressive. Then areas with small but aggressive spiders. Then areas with larger aggressive spiders. Touch the screen even.

Also, make a Hunter and get only spider pets. All different kinds and colors, some are really beautiful. Get your phobia under control, don’t let it control YOU.

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Ehhhhhh. Dolphins are still…yeah no lol.

Orcas are cool I just want nothing to do with the murder oreos