People with Arachnophobia?

I remember back in Cata one of my guildies was deathly afraid of snakes, so we had her put us on follow during the one boss in Halls of Origination where you had to jump down into the snake pit to hit the levers. She was our healer, too, so that always made it interesting. lol But we did our best to help her out whenever snakes were involved.

I hear ya, though. Vash’jir was a nightmare for me, since I have an extreme phobia of deep water.

I keep the same rule but I also move the spiders that are preparing for babies. Sorry maam I know you’re a single mom but I’ll put you somewhere safe.

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Different people are different. :woman_shrugging:

Its like how I am very afraid of crickets yet the ones in wow don’t trigger it for me because they look more like the cricket in Mulan.

If there’s ever a loud vacuum boss however I’m screwed.

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Hilariously, I’m not afraid of spiders, but the ones in game freak me the hell out. LOL

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look up fallout 76 cave crickets lol

Every now and then if I’m flying in a game and its very very very very open, my agoraphobia peeks in and I get that “Oh god gravity is no longer going to exist I’m going to fall into the sky” antsy feeling.

Thankfully those are brief

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I get that when the game glitches and I fall into oblivion through the map.

I get that “I hate losing control” feeling when that happens. Just being yanked somewhere and theres nothing I can do.

I don’t want to get the spiders though :frowning: I do use them for sugar ants, the neighborhood has a horrible infestation of them. Sometimes I can’t even see through the traps there’s so many of them. If I happen to discover the queen she’s so very dead right away.

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Horrified of spiders but the wow ones never bugged me.


I am terrified of spiders IRL, to the point that it has occasionally affected my ability to do my job, but I’ve honestly never understood how people can be scared of the spiders in WoW or other MMOs. The spiders in WoW are just pixels, and though slightly creepy on occasion WoW is not a horror game like Resident Evil or Alien: Isolation where the atmosphere is carefully designed to terrify you.

Eh thats the thing about phobias. They rarely ever make any sort of logical sense.

Its why I always felt awful for the folks on shows like Maury who were getting triggered and laughed at. ( Altho there is a chance all that was staged. )

Modded Skyrim had me in shambles, especially with the realistic lighting and stuff but the WoW art style is pretty cartoony, yeah.

I have one sitting where I know ants were coming in, lol. Lord, it was FILLED with ants the other day when I checked it. Id hate to have those things all over my place getting into everything.

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most of that stuff is stage like the you are not the father type of thing
don’t dna test take days to get that research

im scared of grils can u turn it off pls

Grounded has an arachnophobia slider, where spiders become notably less spidery the higher you tune it, up to the point where they’re just a couple of cute little orbs.

Perhaps that’s something WoW could do at some point.

Yeah I get it.

That still sorta set up the whole “oh they’re scared of something silly. Laugh at them as they are terrified” thing in real life instead of a staged tv show.

Yes I know some phobias are stupid but they’re basically our brains having a glitch.