People with Arachnophobia?

Wrong answer the right answer is over exposure and a killing spree fueled by whiskey.

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Satisfactory has some really scary spider things.
Thereā€™s an arachnophobe option that turns them all into photos of kittens.
Theyā€™ll still kill you though.

I always found people with irrational fears being scared of pictures or videos weird. Iā€™m afraid of dogs IRL, but Iā€™m never afraid of seeing the pictures (quite the opposite even).

Yes it does. Majority of requests involving real life need to be dealt with this way.

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hahaha thank for the funny reminder lol

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So much damn narcissism nowadays. Everyone needs to be accommodated somehow for their weird quirks.

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Used to have a severe fear of spiders, then I was exposed to something, did some thinking of how they usually keep pest controlled, and finally the knowledge that typically if you donā€™t screw with them they will not screw with you. Now weā€™re just good neighbors.

my spider phobia is so bad Ive nearly wrecked my car over a fingernail sized jumping spider jumping down off the visor onto my shirt.
But I know the difference between a REAL spider and a FAKE spider , lol.
As long as theyre digital, they dont bother me at all

Why not get therapy to help you with your issues? Hard to avoid spiders in life.

Honestly, killing spiders in game has helped me with my arachnophobia.

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lol. Not me. I hate the things. Just knowing one is around and I cant sleep, lol.
I have about two dozen of those pest control glue traps in my place here to keep the other bugs down so the spiders have nothing to eat.

It would be best if Blizzard turned on the spiders into fruit.

and the jumping spiders are like doggos of the spider world

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When I was a kid on the farm I put my hand in a bag of sweet feed as I was going to give the horses a treatā€¦ Inside the bag was a momma (mouse/rat) and her babies. I heard loud squeaks and was promptly bitten. I have irrational fears of rodents, but yes Iā€™m capable of differentiating between pixels and real lifeā€¦ In real life Iā€™ll start hyperventilating excessivelyā€¦

I absolutely hate spiders. HATE

Friend thought it was funmy to put a stuffed toy spider look alike on my pillow when camping.

He had to walk 100 miles home from the camp when i left him there.

Dont mess with me and my fears yo.

Phobias arenā€™t very known for being rational

I am insect phobic and arachnophobic. I actively try to avoid these zones, but Blizzard just LOOOOOOOVES to torture me with quests in these places. :sob:

Yep. When I moved into this house I made an agreement with the spiders: They keep the gross insects at bay and they do not come within ten feet of me they wonā€™t be squooshed. Only a few have broken that agreement and met a swift end. Granted, the spiders in my area are generally not venomous. House spiders and garden spiders are just insect eaters for the most part.

Now, my kitty is a whole other issue. Spiders are her favorite snack. I canā€™t do a thing to help them in that regard.

You should try those ā€˜baitedā€™ glue traps. We get spiders, ants, house centepedes, flies, just about everything in them. I havent seen a bug in the place in years, but the traps sometmes are FILLED with bugs that wandered in.
The only time I dont like them is the rare occasion a mouse gets trapped in them. Only happened twice over the years.

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