People who want M+ Removed from the game


I mean it sounds bad. By that I mean people that don’t attach themselves to one mode of PvE and then become tribal about it. Which I would reckon is most of the people who play this game.

Pretty sure most people participate in all of PVE by necessity. Whether they want to be there or not is another matter entirely.

I am not trying to make an eye for an eye type conversation. Only trying to acccurately relay information.

I hope so. I think you implied we may have once.

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No, that would be mythic raiders. Which are not most people.

The rest of us just do what we enjoy bro.

Heroic raiders too.

Maybe not normal.

Like everyone has done delves, then if they raid, they’ll likely do m+.

But not the reverse.

Delve only sure.

M+ only… less likely.

Raiding only … well, that should be extremely minor.

What you’re saying is “I participate in things I don’t enjoy because I feel forced to do so, therefore most players do.”

Which is just your headcanon.

People go after power. Then sometimes they view those tasks the same as choreghast.

People go after fun in a video game actually. You go after power. Again, this is a you thing being represented as an everyone thing.

When the fun stops I stop. Same can be said for most gamers.

See? We can all play the “I speak for more than myself” garbage.

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The “remove m+” posts usually come from people who won’t do them anyway or claim they’re getting gatekept from+2s because they’re not meta.

I disagree with that in WOW.

Like everyone did Siren Isle stuff even if they hated it.

People will suffer through the boring parts to get to the fun parts.

To be frank, I agree with you on this point.

I’m just still able to post here despite my game time running out over two weeks ago, and able to weigh in on discussions like these after I’ve gone through ALL of the motions. I’m just pointing out the root cause of the problem, what it’ll take to change it, and how those who don’t want to deal with it should go about it.

The closing statement of my first post in this topic says it all:

People who want Mythic+ removed from the game aren’t saying just because they don’t like doing the content themselves. If it was only that, they’d be happy with ignoring it; rather, it’s just accelerated the competitive aspect of the game into the limelight and it’s affecting just about all aspects of the game. But at the same time, it’s also the logical consequence of the game’s design after many years.

So you’re left with a fairly large group of players who are simply unhappy with how WoW has evolved as both a game and a culture. Even Classic is affected by the latter, and there’s no real “happy medium” left for them in the game if they enjoy the modern gameplay but not the structure of the game’s content – and I feel a big part of that problem is because Blizz themselves (mostly the design decision-makers, which seems to be a rather insular group) simply doesn’t understand their perspective because it’s so far removed from their own.

Quitting the game might actually be what’s best for them, because they are only going to find frustration without a MAJOR upheaval in the structure of the game’s content. Which is a shame, they still want to enjoy the game itself; there is stuff they like, but it’s tainted by stuff they don’t.

And them leaving the game really is the only way for Blizz to realize they’ve functionally abandoned these players, because sticking around isn’t going to get the message across.

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Breh I still don’t have a ring worth equipping on a single character but I’m going to jam out some heroic raid or keys tonight either way. Until this becomes MANDATORY (which it is specifically designed to become) I can wait.

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It should be worth equipping for all now. All gems are unlocked. At 642.

I spent like 45 minutes in that garbage just to get the ring. I haven’t been back since. It’s terrible content specifically engaged with because of the eventual mandatory nature of the ring. Stop lol.

Dropping a midseason borrowed power on people that will prevent them from getting a group at some point doesn’t actually mean that “everyone pursues power.”

It means they find it fun to do the things that this ring will put on hold for them if they don’t. So they are pursuing fun.

There will Always be Min/Max culture in this game, regardless if Mythic+ stays or was removed.

Nature of the beast, people like to be competitive in most things, including video games.

Were you AFK for 30 minutes or that?

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I got a few gems too. Sorry. Ring is in my bag with a slot empty. :man_shrugging:

This might be one of the worst and most overt “put everything on pause to do this garbage” patches that I’ve ever seen.

I don’t particularly like the “focus on this content for a week or more just to sustain what you were already doing” content updates.

In that case Asmongold probably told them to do it.

Why does this poor dirty scrub get so much hate?

Oh, that’s right, it’s the whole “made a mill off of the game that I actually spend money to play” thing.

That goofball should not be living in so many people’s heads.

  • He lies. A lot.
  • He tells his sycophants to come here and start stuff.
  • Blocking him from all the youtube channels he’s on is annoying.
  • He literally films himself watching other peoples’ films and considers it “content”.

Want me to keep going?

If he stuck to his single youtube channel (which I blocked ages ago) and his sycophants wouldn’t pollute this forum with their nonsense, I wouldn’t care.