I mean you just listed every “reaction content” youtuber from penguinz0 to sniperwolf to literally anyone. This kind of stuff is only taken seriously by the lowest common denominator and Blizzard is not above taking the same advantage of that same demographic.
I hate both the player and the game is all I’m saying. Asmongold = Blizzard when it comes to any ethical or moral disputes I may have.
This is a bad argument, people who say this usually are just bad at the game.
On the other side though, a very good reason to get rid of it is bc it’s ruining the other 2 aspects of the game (m+ class design has completely screwed pvp, it seems m+ easier rewards are also hurting raiding).
I’d honestly forget about m+ if instead of designing all classes and specs around it they’d add dungeon only abilities instead of turning classes into living memes with 20 mobility and defensive cds etc.
Why can´t the Mythic folks accept that non Mythic players have access to the same gear, by playing non Mythic content?
You ask that others understand and accept your favorite way of playing, yet many mythic people lack the same understanding and acceptance if it comes to casual content. We all saw the constant whining about Delves, we saw the same about LFR when it was still giving competetive gear in early days, world quests have been nerfed…
I don´t care if Mythic folks have their M+ content and rewards, but then why do you care if I get equally good gear like you by running a Delve?
I think the move to increase the emphasis on competitive esports has been bad for the game, but could be fixed by not trying to force everybody who has chosen not to do that content into it in order to get or upgrade gear, or by making “their” content so uninteresting that they will naturally move up into competitive content and live for moving up in the ranks. This “see that really boring content over there that I would never have anything to do with? That’s your content. It’s all you deserve if you aren’t willing to devote your entire life to playing the hardest content in a kid’s videogame.”
Ion is still trying to recreate the imaginary past when WoW was (in his mind, at least) the hardest game in the genre.
You must be new to the internet if you think this is something unique to him. They ALL do it, be it in gaming, politics, or cooking.
I don’t do M+ or anything remotely PVP related but I would never suggest removing them from the game because for people who ENJOY that sort of content it’s serving an actual need. That’s a good thing. I do perceive both to be primarily elitist content, but I suppose that’s all me and likely untrue.
Or maybe it comes down to toxicity and community. We didn’t have these issues in TBC and Wrath because you went from Normal to Heroic and everyone lived on the same playing field. If you sucked, you stayed on 10N. If you had skill, you lived in 25H. And if you were really good, you managed to farm every tier of gear from that 25H.
Mythic Plus was added for Flex raiders who needed smaller bites with challenges. Then it just kept scaling higher, and getting out of hand. The only change in the last 12 months was the key squish. Had they not turned 10s into 0s, maybe the M+ community would not have fallen apart at the seams and whined about Delves being easier for gearing. Delves were a test to see how many people would pick a solo track for gear vs getting stuck running keys. At least that is how it was presented.
Things were fine 15 years ago. Things were fine 15 months ago. But these new changes have absolutely brought out the Mr. Hyde in all of the Dr. Jekylls, and it is no wonder people hate pugging. It’s even started to seep into TimeWalking. Maybe they should get rid of it and remove the most toxic element in the game. They might just save more subs than they lose.
To play devil’s advocate, there were quite a few changes. A good bit of the gearing structure changed to accommodate M+. It occurred gradually, but it did indeed occur. Now we’ve reached a point where the highest raid difficulty may not, in fact, contain your BiS. You have to do M+ if you want any shot at fully optimal gear.
They’ve also brought about a pretty huge cultural shift. Granted, some of it was going to happen regardless, but M+ somehow managed to take it to an extreme nobody, even the people doing M+, anticipated or wanted. This is especially evident in the speedrunner mentality that seems to have infected every corner of the game. We can partly thank FFXIV for it, and I’ll grant you there’s something to be said about efficiency, but the rest of the blame rests squarely on M+.
To be clear, I don’t hate M+. I do think it should be harder than it is if it’s going to reward the gear it does, with mechanical intensity on par with mythic raiding. Less about beating a clock and more about needing to plan each and every pull (yes, including trash pulls) meticulously, lest you get your insides turned into outsides. De-emphasizing racing the clock and re-emphasizing creative use of CC to ease the burden of pulls that are intentionally designed to be unfair to the player.
Some gamers. When I started playing practically nobody did it except for cutting edge raiders. Everybody else was too invested in whatever their slice of the game was to get lost in the weeds on theorycrafting and whatnot.
The game’s popular culture has flipped to be minmaxxy across the board but I suspect that much of that is driven by M+, which is the most quick/accessible path to gear. Prior to the addition to M+ it was only raiding where that attitude was dominant.