So I can ask for escort quests where they move slightly faster than a walk, but slower than a run to be removed right?
Cause like. No one enjoys those.
So I can ask for escort quests where they move slightly faster than a walk, but slower than a run to be removed right?
Cause like. No one enjoys those.
I agree.
For the record, I don’t hate raiding. I used to raid in this game and very much enjoyed it. I just hate the time commitment, I don’t like feeling chained to my computer for 2-3 hours, 2-4 times a week. ~30ish minute windows in keys works better for a lot of people in this game. Probably most of the people who do M+ as their end game are in the same boat as me, former raiders who once enjoyed raiding but don’t have the time to commit to it anymore, so they’re not unsympathetic to people who still enjoy and want to raid in this game.
And yeah, I also understand why raiders hate feeling forced into M+, too.
I’m glad we can agree on that.
Blizzard also tends to underestimate us at every turn so they would make the cap much lower than it could be, neutering any challenge the top players could have.
You’re probably right but this is GD where if you say “Nobody likes toothpicks under the fingernails” someone would come in like “Why are you trying to remove my toothpicks? I enjoy those.”
If you get absolutely nothing for pushing an extremely high key, not even an achievement or mount and if it’s all for an ego rush then I’m all for letting it be. I only speak for the things that does offer rewards at the end.
Like I said, I’m not for removing the stuff, I’m just for making it fair for people.
Well, lets talk it out.
Where do you feel the cap should be?
Because 10s is where player power rewards stop. Every spec can accomplish that.
There is a title for being in the top 0.1% or something.
It’s okay that you don’t get it.
Wow, someone having the ability to achieve something you cannot really bothers you, doesn’t it?
Harder content = better rewards. Been in the game since vanilla.
If anything, there’s a lack of rewards.
I’m not sure on that. As a holy priest I feel like things get extremely hard for me at +7. But, could be my group being bad or what not, still as a holy priest I feel like I don’t have enough answers for all the crazy damage people sustain around these levels.
Finally going to get our rework next patch… hopefully it’s something that will make us stronger in mythics. I could be going Disc but I really hate playing that spec.
Hey you’re getting an achievement for 2850 you should be satisfied.
it’s too low.
But I’m not against the principle that it exists. Should’ve been at 3k with the same.
It’s going to get ugly at times as a holy priest in keys. Gonna need to either strap in to get 10s or try out disc.
It’s doable though.
As long as it’s fair… what part of that do you not understand?
I have done almost all of my 10s-11s with a holy priest.
But what is not fair?
Getting the max gear rewards is fair.
Harder content = better rewards. How is this unfair?
Yes, we clarified this did we not? You said 10s is where it stops giving gear and that everyone can accomplish that. I said okay that’s fine, carry on. What else do we need to discuss?
Seems like nothing to me. You should heal some 8s for me so that I can go shadow. I’m thirsty for some shadow.
When harder content means excluding everyone else besides the meta classes and specs. If it’s not doing that then so-be-it.
Your response to me didnt feel like a “ok, everything is fine” sorta answer.
But ok.
I need some more gilded.
Fortunately its not.
I don’t think people want M+ removed. They just don’t want to be forced to do it because the entire game’s gearing and tuning revolves around M+.
Wall it off like PvP gear is, and nobody would think twice about it, anymore.