We do it in single player games too where there is no one to enforce on but ourselves. I play Stellaris solo quite often and pull all sorts of tricks and use whatever mechanics I can to pull ahead because big number and efficiency go brrrrr even in what’s essentially a solo narrative game. I don’t even play a hard difficulty so the competition is only with myself.
Ok so you want the whole pve gearing process turned on its head because of the very first week of the season.
This. People are genuinely like “if M+ didn’t exist I would have cleared the raid on Mythic in my super social guild that I would have found dozens of in game friends from”.
It’s honestly just starting to sound weird. Removing M+ is not going to magically make people get better at the game or cause people to socialize with each other more. It’s just not going to happen.
I think the problem is that it’s much harder to feel satisfied in one’s little bubble these days in a very competitively oriented game like WoW, because the gap between you and the average community level is so visible. The content that people can do on their level feels like messing in the mud compared to the level the actual community is about.
It’s really hard for Blizzard to fix it as well, because WoW is very competitively oriented, so any new dimension of achivements is going to be dominated by more serious players. They can’t just shut off the infosphere we live in now.
But I definitely think they can improve search options for like-minded players, maybe even algorithmically. So that you’re not thrown in the general pool of an average tryhard community, but you are able to find a closed in community of like minded and similarly skilled players so that you can “compete” within that “social league” of sorts.
Although it’s still going to be hard to truly rekindle that sense of “local hero” with the “megaserver” design of the modern game.
I dunno… It’s a bigger problem of modern social media as well, with people constantly exposed to lush life of others and wanting the same.
Nope, it’s a direct result of unkillable tankidans in TBC. Before that no one speed through any dungeons because healers had to med for mana.
This will happen in absolutely any game or game mode with infinite scaling.
Ive seen more people say to remove m+ than delves.
Granted its a lot more popular for people just to say “anyone that participates in m+ is a bad person”. That gets said a lot.
I wont ever support implementing something designed to get people to not branch out into other forms of content.
You feel WoW was better when dungeons were near useless and the only way to gear up after was raiding?
Its not that uncommon of a thing.
If M+ didnt exist my dad would still be around.
Or magically make mythic bosses not tuned for players geared in heroic gear, only now they’ll have to spend more time clearing previous difficulties every weeks.
you know you are the only person i ever encountered that has a problem with this “separate the gear paths”.
its turned on its head already because of m+. raid bosses are tuned around the fact that players can and should be in full heroic gears. it was never like this before m+.
You haven’t been here long enough.
I’ll never ask for M+ to remove since i don’t do it, but I would ask for pvp to be removed since pvp is the main cause for classes to be nerfed. I am very tired of players complaining about a certain class that’s op and they want it nerfed.
Hi. There are two now.
I have a huge issue with separate pve gearing paths.
And who knows if that would be any different with separate gear.
yea you. forgot about you. everyone around here knows about your stance. slipped my mind.
“I want people to be able to play together”
I can see why thats a horrible stance.
Where does that say remove it? M+ is Ouroboros
Oh, and that is dead on about M+ but no where does it say remove it.
The OP made a suggestion about a fix, I think the fix won’t work, but no one said to remove M+, that is 100% your thinking.
And now people are raid logging while you try to get gear in Heroic and progress in Mythic, rather than logging on to do some keys between raid nights and socializing with each other. Oops, now guilds are less social with each other because M+ was removed.
I am amazed how people have completely forgot about what raiding guilds looked like and how common raid logging was and how it would lead to guilds falling apart before M+ was added as something to do between raid nights to get gear.
i feel the same way. i just dont wanna see any fellow players get benched from raid progression because they couldnt no life m+ to get all that easy free welfare heroic and mythic gears.
If you scroll through that thread there’s tons of posts of people asking to remove it.
Guilds don’t fall apart because of raid logging.