People who want M+ Removed from the game

M+ has fostered this GOGOGOGOGOGO mentality where everybody wants to run dungeons like they’re running timed keys. I remember the olden days where people weren’t trying to skip everything that could possibly be skipped. Sure, some skips existed, like jumping in the water in Gun’drak, but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it is today.

Skip every possible mob that can be skipped, whine loudly if a tank pulls anything optional even if it’s just to widen the path a bit so people don’t get aggro, kick people if they accidentally aggro something optional, etc etc etc.

That’s why I think M+ was a mistake. I won’t advocate for its removal as it’s become a staple, but I do think it should never have been implemented in the first place.


its not about self control. any player that takes pushing keys with a serious steady group or any player that mythic raids with a semi serious / serious guild, it is expected of you to come prepared. and by prepared you must be as geared as the rng gods will allow, fully gemmed, chanted, consumed and strategically guided.

otherwise, benched.

Gogogo predated m+ by like a decade.


Not really?

I remember doing plenty of RDFs and it was nowhere near as bad as it is today.


So, self control. You are able to go to a guild that doesn’t require that.

And still doesn’t justify imposing twice as much effort to gear on everyone that like both.

ok broken record.

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I don’t need more to shatter your terrible idea. :man_shrugging:

so, self control.

Sounds good, thanks for your input.

That doesn’t work the way you think it does. You can avoid playing m+ if you don’t want to. I can’t avoid farming twice with your terrible idea.

It just sounds like you recognize how popular it is and you don’t want people to like it as much as they do honestly. It’s fine if you don’t like one of the most popular game modes and other people do. There’s nothing wrong with that :dracthyr_shrug:

the problem is alot of peoples ideas of “improvement” is basically destroy it and make it into something they want to play aka remove the timer lol


I would bet $100 that if they removed the timer most of these people still wouldn’t play it anyway, and all we’d be left with is a worse version of M+ for the people who do enjoy it.


but you play both modes anyway. so learn some self control and relax. you dont need to be max geared bar upgrades week 1 from m+

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I think the real problem is people who want it removed don’t even care about the ladder because they don’t touch the mode.

I don’t like M+, but I don’t think it should be removed.

Who talks about maxed gear? If I want 619 on either, that’s still double the effort.

And that’s fresh coming from someone that can’t not do m+ for the few upgrades that will be replaced.

I’ve never seen anyone suggest removing M+ from the game.

Maybe removing M+ players lol but not the game mode. I mean, what do I care about a game mode that I don’t play that doesn’t affect me?

I haven’t seen much of it either but plenty of people wants it to have completely segregated gear, which I’m always gonna be vehemently against.

but its not. you will raid and be equal with everyone that raids apart from having some bad drops for your class or /rolls.

m+ you can be full heroic week 1.

the only difference is that m+ only players will be happy not having to raid for them bis trinkets.

and raiders wont have to m+ to get full heroic week 1 so they are not benched due to holding back progression that will be much easier when it is out geared.

unfortunatly there are people who are dumb and want exactly that. they blame all their problems on a game mode rather than putting the resposibilty on the players themselves. aka “the game was so much nicer and more social before the m+ mode attacked”

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