The issue is the culture, yes. That was what was being implied all along.
The culture that was influenced and shaped by 20 years of content.
As I said, the issue is “emblematic”, and the real problems run deeper. Getting rid of M+ alone won’t solve the issue, but it would be a good first step to changing course with the game’s culture; but again, that won’t happen unless Blizz gets rid of all of their senior game designers.
It happens in every Blizz game because it’s designed with competitiveness in mind. There’s always a “meta”, but it only becomes domineering in games that are inherently competitive.
For a game to not have a domineering “meta”, there should be no incentive to be competitive with other players in ANY way. No ratings, punishments for failure, squabbling over loot, and so on.
I really don’t know what you’re expecting if you want to remove the idea of competition from wow, I think its just not the game for you.
Again, classic doesn’t have rating or time limits but people sweat the meta in classic just as bad as retail. I don’t think you have a clear direction on this idea.
Those don’t give the good loot and the complainers swear that even though soooo many people want to play chill and slow, they can never find anyone to group with.
People who want it removed are the same people whinning and complainimg because they dont get the highest gear at lower levels, or that it’s “too hard”. seems to me like half the player base wants instant gratification for zero effort. The amount of undergeared characters applying for keys well beyond their skill or item level just astounds me anymore. I’m seeing fresh 80’s that’s a 565 ilvl applying for 6-7s and just expecting others to carrying them and then beg for the gear they get. I have people doing 7’s who havent even done the dungeon at all and know nothing about the mechanics but doesnt open their mouth half way through the dungeons after dying 10 times. DPS and healers pulling barely 400k HPS/DPS in high keys because they dont take the time to learn rotations or which spells do what again, expecting over geared people to just carry them. I’m at a point my dps is only doing 100k less than the other 2 DPS combined. Blizzard needs to stop catering to casual players who just want everything for free, this game has always had skill level differences whether it be the high end world first guilds, to the hardcore, semi-hardcore and casuals. Its up to a person of they want to choose to improve to thay next level or not.Yea, it can be painful, I’ve come across some real snobs in mythic raid settings but, I don’t expect hand outs. If you’re thay bent out of shape stuff is difficult, go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure instead.
You’re spot on. Thread after thread I see the same thing. Casual players that feel entitled to clear the hardest content. They just want the hardest difficulty to be custom tailored for their skill level so they can get the best rewards.
because that game mode and the evolution therein made other people that they enjoyed playing with quit.
i would much rather see m+ have its own gearing path so that i am not forced to go into it because of how easy it is to spam heroic gear and get mythic vaults, to keep my toon greased and oiled for mythic raid progression.
I’m not for removing the Mythic + dungeons, but the problem is that it excludes a lot of classes in the higher keys because of min/maxing. Instead people are min/maxing group metas and only certain classes are allowed to participate the higher you go. This is the problem as the balancing around 5 mans is not fair but it’s by far the easiest and fastest way to start a group to gear up rather than trying to put a 20 man dungeon together.
I dont like delves. They’re mindless and boring to me. So I don’t do them. Other people love delves, thats great.Im glad they’re enjoying it. I don’t sit here and scream that they remove this game mode that I HAVE to do even though I hate it. I just don’t do it.
I mean, what’s the alternative? Do folks go back to dedicating half a day for a raid for end game PvE?
I like raiding even though I haven’t done it in a good while, but to say it’s an investment is an understatement.
Sure M+ can be improved, but I think it’s better if it stays around. Faster paced, tests your abilities in shorter bursts and certainly a lot more time friendly than doing a raid for hours that you may not even clear.
M+ is eating itself alive this expansion, and even the OP seems to be lashing out over it as this is thread is directed to IDK who, I have never seen anyone saying remove M+
M+ has its own problems, nothing needs to be added to it.
from my personal point of view and from what i gather through friends that have quit, they farm achievements and raid. that takes up 12-20 hours per week. but since m+ and how easy it is to gear yet time consuming they are forced into it or they will lose their raid spot to someone else that got the extra no life time to do both.
separate the gear. people that raid only will be happy. people that m+ only will also be happy. and people that do both? well nothing changes for them.
oh but nuwala then people that do both will need 2 gear sets.
yea so? that would be a great time for blizzard to add a nice wardrobe / closet function to player housing then.
It would be really nice if elitists would stop trying to take things away or effect our gameplay and rewards in a negative way. I’m happy to play the way I want and don’t care what others do but when what they want effects us…that’s just unacceptable. It would be nice also if the worst of them would stop being so jerkish and insulting as if their gameplay matters the most.
Except they now have to carry 2 full sets of gear and feel weaker whenever they go to a mode they haven’t done as much. For no reason other than other players lacking self control.
Really, what was egotistical about the post? Making the observation that one can make their own standard of challenge in wow WITHOUT calling for the removal of a very popular game mode doesn’t sound like ego talking or selfishness, it quite literally sounds like the opposite lol.
I suppose the OP is posting out of some frustration, but that’s what the forums are for.
then blizzard creates a wardrobe function that holds your gear. like an advanced equipment manager. 1 press of the button and voila, changed sets. just like how it works now, but with additional storage slots that dont take up bag space. so easy.