People trolling threads

Absolutely agree.
If I dont like the way someone is acting I just ignore them…which is why Im counting the seconds till that ignore option gets up and running.
Im not going to be a baby and demand that the forum become a ghost town because I dislike someones posts.
Its easy enough to just snub them.

This crap is how forums are destroyed. And Ive been around long enough to have seen dozens of them go down that path.
You only remove the ones who are literally threatening, stalking, harassing, etc.
Removing members over petty disagreements, even if they get heated, is a sure fire way to end up with a dead forum.

I saw one golf form that had over 30,000 members.
Less than a dozen were actively posting and they were the most obnoxious people Id ever had the misfortune of talking to.
Apparently the joker who owned the forum would ban anyone who disagreed with him…and his golf advice was HORRIBLE so most of the time he’d have someone trying to correct him.
30k members and a dead forum.
Exactly what I think a few want for this one.

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I think right now, at least yesterday, it only stops alerting you when the person posts.
We’re hoping for a full blown ignore option, which is kinda odd its not just working by default.
USUALLY with forum software it is ‘on’ by default and you have to disable it to remove it.
Really odd that this supposedly was off from the start.
Blizzard…and anyone who runs forums…should know without even thinking about it that the ignore feature is pretty much a requirement when you have more than 3 people talking about any topic.

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Or ya know you could just ignore em and move on? Thats always an option too.

The trolls remain the longer you feed em, so deny em the attention they crave and keep the conversation rollin.

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You make a lot of posts with rather silly topics/ideas and get very jaded over anyone disagreeing with you. It’s not trolling it’s disagreeing don’t be a special snowflake and get offended by everything.


It is not a feature supported by Discourse, who made this forum software that Blizz is licensing. They have their own web team (Blizzard, I mean) working to create a Discourse-compatible ignore feature for us.

It isn’t a button to flip. They are literally having to hand-code it in, around all the other supported features.

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Wow…thats remarkable.
Ive run forums for myself and administrated many others every since they became a thing on the web and I cant remember any of the software packages not having an ignore turned on by default.

I was actually considering trying Discourse out. Thats definitely a killer. I know how people can get into heated disagreements and I dont want to ban anyone over such petty reasons. Just easier to allow members to keep them off their radar themselves.

I thought it unusual, too.

It was referenced here, I think on a CS thread? I’ll see if I can find it again, and if I do edit in the link. But yes - the gist is that they are having to build the functionality for the new forums from scratch, and are doing so.

edit: Found it! (CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween - #596 by Glaxigrav

that is really odd.
I mean, you dont have to be Sigmund Freud to know that where people congregate in numbers there IS going to be some heated discussion.
I remember back in the 70s in a little baptist church a fight broke out between two elders literally over a disagreement over doctrine.
A physical fight in a church over what the Bible teaches.

Yeah…we seriously need an ignore option :rofl:

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