People trolling threads

Can we get serious ban hammer on people who start replying to every reply baiting people into going off topic of discussion the thread was made for.

I’m in your thread responded to your topic I suppose I should get banned cuz I do not agree with random Banning

The term troll has evolved to cover anything meaning that doesn’t agree with you


:confetti_ball::confetti_ball: No :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

Be happy your discussion is being bumped.


You can report anything.

Whether it is, in fact, spamming or trolling is solely at Blizzard’s discretion to determine.

If your “Everyone is Horde” thread is going off topic from the discussion you had intended, maybe consider a less inflammatory and hyperbolistic title, and then clarifying the precise scope of your concern in the initial post.

I assure you, I was not trolling in that thread, nor trying to veer off topic or hijack. I was raising points that I feel are essential to game satisfaction: personal responsibility and intitative, cooperation, and looking for solutions rather than assuming insurmountable problems.

Sometimes discussions veer in other directions. That isn’t trolling. It’s just how conversation works. I think banning for that is ridiculously excessive.


Best place to farm Thorium used to be Silithus, but some god shoved a bloody huge sword through the zone.


He’s probably mad that I started responding to the “BUT HORDE RACIALS IZ OP!!!” people.

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How about that Babylonian Tupperware


Those trolls are regenerating 5 HP per second. Face it op, there’s literally nothing you can do about it.


Can we get a serious ban hammer on people making trolling threads about others trolling? See what I did there?


I like their ziggurat tier package.

On a more serious note. There is always a chance for a thred to derail like an Amtrak train.

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I prefer to think of derailments like these as more of one of Gomez Addams masterpieces.

You meant to blow the thread up?
Of course, why else would you post in GD?


In a Humanity thread? Ha!


Trying to get their post count back up to what it used to be… MEOW!!

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This made me laugh!

This man General Discussions.

If you feel someone is trolling, then flag their post as trolling and move on. That’s all you can really do. Do not engage them at all (including quoting with people who do engage the troll) and let things run their course.


grins wickedly

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What can’t you point out the trolling threads for us? It would save us a lot time

You come across as a very bitter and angry person.


Report them, and move on. I have a feeling people that don’t agree are trolls in your eyes. I would actually like to see a report count on the profile page, so we can see who is the real problem.