People trolling threads

So this thread we should be talking about banning people if their converstaion goes to another subject? Do you see how that might kill converstation?

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The topic of a thread is whatever the posting community steers it toward; the original poster doesn’t ‘own’ anything…nor do they (you) have the right to punish anyone for refusing to adhere to your arbitrary requirements.

Put otherwise; get over yourself.

Try Winterspring. The Thorium nodes there are so numerous, they’re like pimples on the face of a high-school freshman.

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Maybe you should work on not getting baited so easily and learn how to ignore things? :man_shrugging:

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What may seem like baiting to you may seem like a completely organic conversation to another. Conversations tend to meander naturally because different people think differently, and it is not up to you to dictate by ban what is allowed and what is not allowed in a thread.

If you are really that concerned, reply to those comments you think are veering off-topic and remind the commenters about the original topic.

You do not need a system in place to ban people when you can simply do the same work yourself without punishing those who may think differently and who may view conversations as more fluid than you do.

From what I’ve observed, this isn’t really the best way to steer a conversation. We’re rather stubborn and obstinate at times. The best way to keep a conversation on track is to be part of the conversation and continue talking about what you wish to talk about.

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“Thanks everyone for your responses, but remember my topic is about X. Y and Z aren’t relevant to my topic, so I would like to talk about X. SoAndSo, you wrote about X. Here is what I think…”

And that is a bad response?

Like I said, we can be stubborn and obstinate at times. So you may run into people insisting that you can’t tell them what to talk about. And who will further derail the topic in the process. Talk about the subject and it won’t turn into a discussion about “hey I wanted to talk about this!” “Too bad!” “Come on, please?” “NO.” etc.

No one said anything about indulging people who want to be off-topic with “please” responses. The people who deeply want to be off-topic can hang out to dry when the OP reminds everyone else what the topic is about. Like I mentioned, the OP can engage with someone who does care about the topic in order to move forward.


That said, i agree with you on the evolution of the word troll. It is actually kind of sad. Same as toxic.

thats just what this forum needs…tons of bannings over some vague ‘offense’ that no one really knows what the rules are.
Sounds ok to me.
Let this place be an echo chamber ghost town so the mods and sit here and moderate the four members who remain active members.


Or you can flag (report) players you think are breaking rules and ignore them…? How hard is that… If blizz does nothing from the flag then the person or people you flagged did nothing wrong.

True this place would be rather empty if we started ban hammering every one on other players whims

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It’s already happening with the current forum mods.

I know, best thing to do is lay low and make no sudden moves or say any thing that be construed controversial


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I’ve already been silenced once for no good reason. Hence why I’m unsubbed. But that won’t stop me from speaking out.

Actually, the best thing to do is to speak out. The worse thing to do is to be quiet and not speak up about issues. Everyone needs to speak up.

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I love your guild name! :rose:


I’d like this but they quashed my liking ability again. :pouting_cat:

I miss not having the ignore feature . That helped avoid the White knights and the trolls


I saw a post explaining how to put people on ignore.