People seem to love to insult the lead narrative designer

Their credentials are meaningless. Bad writing is bad writing. Good writing is good writing, even if both are subjective to the individual. Their entire career hinges on whether they can do good work. Or be so terrible that it’s good. Sadly, Shadowlands wasn’t even bad enough to be good or entertaining.


I don’t think any sane person wishes Steve Danuser any ill will, I know I don’t.

Matter of fact, I think he has done a pretty good job on a lot of stories in game, especially zone stories and minor stories.

The main story just seems all over the place with contradictions to original lore with questionable plots and character involvement.

I know what I like and Shadowland has ruined a lot of allure for the Gods and the afterlife. Plus it poo on Arthas, Sylvanas and the Lich King helmet :sob:

It was like season 8 of GOT and The Last Jedi. :rage:


Why I am defending him is that people are not giving him a fair chance / shot in terms of telling a narrative arc since shadowlands / BFA wasn’t 100% his expansion and also Dragonflight is 100% his own expansion

Nah, sorry.

You don’t need to have a background in cooking to know if food tastes bad.
You don’t need to have a background in bricklaying to know that a wall isn’t built properly.
You don’t need a background in plumbing to know that the water pipes aren’t sealed properly.

And you don’t need a background in writing to have the opinion that writing is bad.

In the case of writing it is subjective. What one person considers bad, another person may consider to be fine. But they are 100% welcome to express their opinions. The personal insults however are not okay, at any level. No one deserves to be insulted or harassed for the work they do, no matter how much someone dislikes it.


You hold him on Game of thrones and yet he enjoys moonknight (which is good in my view) and some other shows. You can’t hold him to those personal opinion. (Some people like season 8 and some people hate it and some didn’t really care for it)

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Nope. I don’t wish him any ill will. I’m just voicing my criticisms over his handling of Shadowlands. And I’ve got a list of those a mile long. I will admit, however, that I want him as far away from WoW as possible. The damage is already done though so I guess there might not be much point to it now.


There are some of us who feel the story was never that good to begin with and had more or less remained that way regardless of who is in charge and don’t understand why everyone is making such a fuss over one person. They can hire the best writers money can buy but the story still has to fit the confines of the game.

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Shadowlands wasn’t entirely his own expansion to begin with the only real expansion that he ever did is Dragonflight.

He had a hand in it, which makes him equally accountable as the rest. I’m sure it’s a team effort, but his name is the one touted the most. One can only assume that his influence was greater than most.

Oh… You really did fell for the afrosalami scapegoat…

It’s easy to criticize. What is more difficult is to be constructive about it. Being insultive seems to be a part of the inet culture since remarks are made anonymously and there is no accountability for what anyone may say. It is one reason why I like Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back because in that movie, there is inet accountability at the end.

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Oh so you think shadowlands is on Steve 100% of time huh?

It may be, it may not. The end result is the only thing that matters, and the end result had his name in it.


That’s fine.

I don’t mind giving him another try. I’m not behind the seen at Blizzard Entertainment so I don’t know who calls the shots 100% of the time.

He could very well hate some of the stuff he is writing or was assigned to fit a narrative into the story.

Who knows.

All I know is, if DF falls flat next expansion. I think it’s time to move on and that will be the decision I make for me. :blush:


I’m not a musician or music critic but the local band that plays at my dive bar is complete trash. They even get boo’d sometimes.

Shadowlands writing was complete trash.


Believe what you wanna believe but shadowlands wasnt entirely his and Dragonflight is his first and official expansion.

Also if it was entirely his than why he wouldn’t put a lot more effort into it oh wait he inherited shadowlands from someone else. And needed to adapt on the fly.

In which he started by already killing malfurion over nothing, its gonna be great :grinning:!


They are getting the full Vol’jin experience. Sucks, I know. :sweat_smile: But the Horde leadership does keep getting removed, either by death or exile. So I think it’s about time the Alliance had a turn.


We don’t know the full context of it all. And you people just randomly guess stuff without the entire picture.