People seem to love to insult the lead narrative designer

What if Dragonflight turns out to be good or decent and Steve proved that he isn’t a bad or terrible writer? What then? (Even though I have access it’s a tiny slice since cutscenes and cinematics and movies are not in it)

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Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.


guess what

you dont have to be a pro football player to know if someone made a bad call

you dont need to be a cook to know if the food tastes bad

you dont need to be a director to know a movie sucks

you dont need to be a writer to know a books writing sucks


What if my abuser turns out to be a nice person and he isn’t a terrible person? i shouldn’t judge him based on his past actions, how unfair of me.

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Bit of a dramatic comparison there bud.


Past action from what how many expansions has Steve Danuser worked on?

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Bfa and SL


We don’t know with certainty, but history and basic pattern recognition are commonly used by consumers to gauge the likely quality of future products.


If he can make me care about anything that happens in the main plot - not sideplots written by quest and event writers - I will give him points for that.

So far, I haven’t seen anything that I would need to tip a point out of my pocket for, but it’s early yet.


Never doubt the “talent” of others. You have no idea what atrocities they are capable of.


People compare playing Blizzard games to being in a abusive relationship so i think it fits.


The Socal lady killer


For starters, here’s how they could have fixed Battle for Azeroth.

After Legion ends:

  1. Genn stages a coup, imprisons Anduin, and attacks Undercity.
  2. Sylvanas burns Teldrassil in retaliation.
  3. The Alliance is split, with some leaders backing Genn, and others wanting to release and reinstate Anduin.

Who sides with who? Do whole towns or kingdoms declare for Anduin? Does the Horde intervene? How does Horde invention affect the feelings of those on different sides of the Alliance conflict?


The Alliance are the aggressors.
The Horde is unified.
The Alliance has intrigue, division, and various plot motives going on.

You don’t even need Azshara or N’zoth at that point, you can do an entire expansion just from the Alliance intrigue. And it’s completely untouched ground, since they haven’t done this kind of thing with the Alliance characters, before. (Conversely, they’ve done it TWICE with the Horde, for idiotic reasons.)

I just saved the entire expansion. And it’s so fricking OBVIOUS how to do it, that’s what’s so frustrating.

Any other storylines you’d like me to clean up?


That video was wild ride. It had my complete attention from start to finish.


Kinda insulting to abuse survivors but you do you I guess


Dude, no.

Steve Danuser has multiple writing credentials and years of video game dev experience. I already debunked this trash in a previous thread where you threw out this comment.

You don’t have to like his writing, but don’t try to discredit the man by claiming he only got the job because of a technicality.


If he worked on BFA by how many patches (all or some of it? since he wasn’t the leader during the expansion) and in shadowlands (do you even know half of the story that went on behind the scenes?)

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Two things come to mind.

First -
For what possible reason would you actually feel inclined to defend Steve Danuser? What, specifically, inspired you to want to go on GD and appoint yourself Knight Protector of Steve Danuser’s honor? Why have you done this? Of all people in this world who you could champion and defend, why him?

Second -
Since you were determined to argue in his defense, how is it even possible that you couldn’t think of anything better to say than that people who attack Danuser can’t prove themselves to be a better writer? Really…? Like, really…??? That’s seriously the best you could come up with?


one does not need to be a published author to know when you rely on the hidden enemy, several times, its bad writing. even dime store novels use this played out plot point…once… Even dime store novel authors have standards.

Look I am a hidden dreadlord! used several times. Even AFTER lady Vashj made an item to see them.

Hey guards to the vital areas of the place…wear these. Now you can see dreadlords. See dreadlords tell somebody, got it? Good.

all that had to be done.

and then write in some better way to move the story.


Having some background sure does help in terms of weeding out bad writing and explaining why is it bad or whatever else is there in writing. But sure stubborn people like you would ignore the requirements that goes into reviewing and judging a professional writer or narrative writer.

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