People saying just leave wow are part of the problem

I see what you did there :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry that you interpret it as cranky, but that’s on you.

I want people to be happy. If this game isn’t making them happy? If it is too easy, hard, not LBGT enough, too LBGT, etc,? Then go find something to make you happy.

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Are you sure OP? It would seem the people actually leaving would be more telling.

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Just quit the forums if you dont want to see people unhappy.

Or you know…feedback.

Just quit the forums if you don’t like people giving advice in them.

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Not question of if but when. Pretty sure Classic will outlast retail and retail will add mobile support and jump headfirst into trying to get some of the sweet sweet mobile money. But by then will it even be WoW anymore…

It is mind boggling that any corporation would willingly give away so much lost revenue and then promote the employees responsible.

There must be a good business reason for tanking this game so hard.

I didnt say I didnt want people to give other people advice… even snarky advice.

Yeah, I would never tell anyone to quit if they were just like “I don’t like this blah blah blah”. It’s the people who have been here “Blizz sucks” “Blizz is greedy” “Fire Ion” for the past few years that I suggest to that leaving is probably in their best interests.

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I am quite sure you are capable of grasping the difference between feedback and railing against the company for years while still continuing to pay.

Sir, you hate the pizza…

flecks of pizza cheese comes out of their mouth “So? I paid for it so I’m going to eat it!”

But you could’ve just left and not spend money…

“Aha! That’s where you’re wrong buck-o, how else will you know I DESPISE YOU if you don’t see me hate-eating your pizza?”

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Blizzard and WOW have been on top of the game for way too long. They grew complacent. It has lead to poor decisions which negatively impacts the game, community and therefore the business.

But they have done a fairly good job overall with Shadowlands, especially in comparison to BFA. Not saying Shadowlands doesn’t have its flaws because it definitely has some.

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For good or for ill, their revenue continues to grow YoY, so apparently it is a good business reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

Drug cartels grow too.

I am sure they do.

I’ll put it this way, this xpac has a month to prove something to me, otherwise ESO will become the only MMO I’ll play. There are other games out there besides WoW and after all the bs in the past I’m about perma-burnt out on this MMO.

But the vouchers cost 30% more than the pizza it trades for!

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I beat you to that, scrub! Except without your fancy little 30%. I bet you think you are special!


Please take this in the vein it was written.

Sorry I tried to steal your thunder. Didn’t read whole thread.