People saying just leave wow are part of the problem

You should just quit the game…

i reckon he should re-roll dwarf… or surrender that name.

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The real question here…Has anyone ever actually quit because the random Undead Warlock told them to “just quit” on the forums?

I’d rather have a game with half the pop (if they were all the insane whiners and complainers and toxic people) and have enjoyable forum/game experiences than how it is now. And the game won’t be dead. Trust me.

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This. I’ve been reading tantrums on forums from petulant children ever since my first MMORPG. Constructive criticism is fine. l have my issues that I make known too. But constant tantrums over minor stuff and DEMANDING that the entire game changes or “I’ll LEAVE” is stupid. The recent whines about the stat and level changes are beyond ridiculous. I’ve noticed very little changes with my max level characters so the lower numbers haven’t affected them.

Probably not, but that still doesn’t mean I will stop saying to leave any more than I would stop telling someone to leave a spouse they always complained about. Them leaving doesn’t really have any bearing on me thinking you shouldn’t keep yourself in situations that make you unhappy. :stuck_out_tongue:


You’ve convinced me. fills out divorce papers

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Holy f man you still don’t get it. I said IF you are, not you are, IF, do you know what it means? Cause it doesn’t seem like it at the moment

Oh no, now I did it.

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Your honor, Ahnohla on the WoW forums will be representing me in these proceedings… please goto to follow along.

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Who wants to be my witness that Normercy was a bad forum husband?! shakes a coin purse

Seriously, sir, just leave.

“Aahl soon aah I ee aww ish pesha” nom nom nom

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Objection!! Hostile council!!

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And that’s the point. You failed to comprehend that I was being positive in my post, by telling the guy its not that bad, but it looks like you didn’t read that far, and came at me with this assumption of “IF I’m telling people to quit.”

Then you hit me with an insult about my reading comprehension… irony

But yea, if the changes have broken the game for you, and your are completely dissatisfied with the way things are going, why would you stay?

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Sometimes people need to leave to fix certain issues with the game.
Like it’s community.

right? look at wildstar, it worked out so well for them, thriving game.


clap You are catching on.

Is anyone going to stop giving advice to people who complain on the forums because a random dwarf warrior doesn’t like it?

I let my sub lapse once without saying a word, I figured Blizzard could figure it out.

When I do have an issue with the game I voice my concerns to exactly what is bothering me and how to go about maybe doing it differently next time. The issues are never anything I’d quit the game over, I stop playing when there is nothing I want to do.

edit: The just leave thing comes up because some people just go on and on and on about a whole lot of nothing, just hate hate hate. Yeah they should probably just quit.

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I didnt say I didnt like it. I like watching these slap fights. Did you not get oiled this month, why so cranky?