People saying just leave wow are part of the problem

You guys shouldn’t accept bad results no matter what. Just leave then. Well if the game is dead who is there left to leave. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


If the game dies, it deserves to die. If you/we want change, then hitting them in the pocketbook is the only way to achieve that.


If WoW dies, then they will pull the ripcord and open the great resurrection coffers. WoW needs to die. Just let it die.

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everyone because then it becomes free to play ; )

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Just play SWOTR when WoW is down or being fixed

And if we have a different opinion, such as not thinking the results are bad, are we still part of the problem?

Its a new expansion, this is the pre patch, you are no longer a max level geared out demi god, just like every other expansion…

Its really not bad, at all. I still delete enemies in the same about of time, and my HP bar loses the same % when hit. The only thing different about this hunter, I have to hit mend pet a bit more often, not game breaking…


When numbers get low like 50% it triggers management /marketting team . There are two ways this can go , one the company listens to feedback on why you have left and give the players what they want or two they say the game is not longer profitable and abandon .

No matter the decision as a player you win :rofl:

“I hate this pizza place, so I’m going to order a pizza and eat it loudly so the owners know how much I hate their pizza, that’ll show them!”


Every time they say to just leave someone does lol.

Thus where we are now.

Leaving is the best bet. IF you are unhappy with the product and you KNOW that those that make the product have no intention of changing their foolish ways, all you can do is go, why waste your breath.

You’re free to express displeasure with the current state of whatever it is. Maybe you don’t like how x class plays or y dungeon drops bleh loot, its totally fine to express your opinions on it so long as you remain respectful and don’t act like because you don’t like something its the end of za warudo and if blizz doesn’t give into your demands then this entire game, no this entire country, NAY! THIS ENTIRE WORLD shall go down in flames. Lotta people say “just leave” because to be frank, theres so many people acting like the sky is falling because a mob drops 2 copper less than they thought they did and it gets freaking old reading nothing but temper tantrums all the time.


weird, because most of the people i see saying “just leave”, are saying it to people who feel the need to announce their departure.

this isn’t an airport.

…but wait! they can’t just depart!!

they need to grab the microphone and loudly proclaim how awful the game is, and how trash blizzard is, and how awful a company must be because a massive patch needs some tweaking etc etc etc.

exactly how much positivity do you think these people are bringing to the game?

what’s the point of begging them to stay, when they can’t find a single positive thing to say?
what’s the point in expecting them to stay, if they hate everything about everything?

when people get to that point, they need to be told it’s ok to walk away.


oh ho ho…

but i’m paying for the pizza with vouchers!!


How about just leave the forums?

The vouchers have to cost more than the pizza.

“EVen though I used coupons for this pizza, I want you to know how much I HATE your pizza!”*

Sir you have like, half the pizza eaten…

“Means I hate you THAT much!” munches on another slice.

WHy not leave?

“Oh, so then you’d win? NOPE!”

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Kind of like those people who pay for wow with gold thinking they’re sticking it to the man by spending most of their waking life grinding gold just to save $15?


we should totally write for Seinfeld. :laughing:

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Even if they don’t have to grind to get it… I get token money (though not for my sub) from my normal gameplay it is still dumb.

“I am not giving Blizzard money until they fix xxx, I am paying with tokens.” Making sure they get MORE money isn’t going to end the way you think it will.

For the slow in the room: Let’s say WoW has 1 million subs (made up because it is an easy number to work with). Now let’s say everyone is happy and paying $15. That is $15m a month. Now lets say half are paying $15 and half are buying tokens. That is 7.5m for the cash payers and 10m for the tokens for a grand total of $17.5, Why on earth would they ever fix your pet peeve issue since not fixing it gives them an extra 2.5m per month?

edit: Since it seems to be unclear. This post was continuation of what he said, not a disagreement.

Addicted sycophants. They react negatively to any questioning of Actiblizz, or the suggestion that you might break from the herd.