People saying just leave wow are part of the problem

Claiming something is bad doesn’t mean it is bad. If enough things are not to your liking. Leaving is a solution. Doesn’t mean everyone will be leaving.

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umm… you might want to read the interactions… more slowly :slight_smile:

try to taste the sarcasm.

if you are running people away from the game by saying just quit yes you are still part of the problem

The second half wasn’t to him… that was for the general topic. His post made a good jumping off point.

wait wait, you all just play 1 mmo at a time/ :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Zing! /10char

Your dumbing down for the slow people is more complicated than just saying tokens cost more than cash subs. No need for the story problem.

We will have to disagree on that. Numbers are far more visual, imho.


Token is $20
Sub is $15

Numbers and everything.

everyone take a drink @ “actiblizz” :roll_eyes:

breaking from the herd is fine.
pouring honey and glitter all over the herd just to cause drama for the sake of drama, is just… pointless.

omg… people just disagreed, and nobody told anyone to quit!!!


Show me in my post where I told the dude to quit…

I never said you did you asked the question am I part of the problem and I responded with IF you are. Reading comprehension isn’t strong in you is it?

The entire argument of using tokens to play wow because they don’t agree with Blizzard is kinda flawed really. People that are mad at “The Man”, spend time in game to farm gold (gold farmers), their personal time mind you. So they can help Blizzard make $20.00 on a token. They are farming gold for Blizzard to sell for real money. Yeah, I’d make people mad too, so they could show me!

Blizzard doesn’t need to just create gold, they have players farm it. It’s freaking brilliant.

edit: Yes I have bought a lot of tokens off the AH with my gold. It’s something that just happens while playing the game. However I have given the process some thought.

Oh dear, did I mess up? Was I supposed to tell him to quit? :wink:

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Punctuation is not your strength. McRunonsentence.


Yea, I have the comprehension problem…
Just like your jumping to the wrong conclusion problem?

I tell people to quit, but I understand how a free market works. It’s not like this company would go under if a massive amount of people left. They may actually listen to issues if this happened.

I also say it knowing most people won’t quit. That lets me know they aren’t that upset about this week’s complaint. So for some of us it to maybe shine a light on the complaint and how serious the poster takes it.

Exactly. This is 100% why I say “just quit” if people are super-unhappy. If enough people quit and they don’t fix it, then the game has no business continuing to be on the market.

what conclusion did i jump to? you literally didn’t understand what i wrote.

This Littlefella isn’t wrong.