People leaving M+ runs needs to seriously be addressed

i guarantee there would be almost no key groups in the LFG and even if there were, people would be too afraid to join them in case they get held hostage with someone being toxic or banned for leaving a group to escape harrassment.


They said they were working on a solution lol. Find a new topic to troll.

So then they haven’t addressed as you claimed. They have stated they are looking into it which is not the same as addressing it now is it?

They did. They’re working on a solution. Either do it with a guild or learn how to find a good pug. Picking people at random isn’t going to do u much good

Yes, they stated they are looking into it and have YET do anything about it. Creating a constructive post with valid suggestions btw is not trolling and one would think that since you have over 8600 posts you would know that. So I would have to say, practice what you preach and go troll elsewhere.

They made no commitment beyond thinking about it.

IKR we should punish the person who made the person left the dungeon. 4/5 times it’s because of how bad his group is and just want a free carry while calling it normal run instead of “completion”

As much as it sucks to have a leaver in a group. I’m sorry if we’ve had 20 deaths before the first boss of underrot idc what anyone says im dipping because i dont want to wipe to sporecaller zancha for an hour.


At that point I would have to agree. This is where there should be a vote to end the run option.

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We should make them as hard as normla dungeons

Your group is making sure every enemy feels like a winner getting a kill in


Now thats funny. LOL

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i’ve had way too many runs get completely destroyed because no one knows how to dodge the maggots puking, or to not pull every tick pack. At this point if i see the ticks getting pulled and its not obviously intentional, i know the runs dead.

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Yeah, that…ticks me off, too.

Watching the dps body pull the ticks, as I mentally say “well, I wonder if this run is going, going, g’huun”, to use the parlance of our time :upside_down_face:

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Its to bad they can’t develop a way to reward players based on their own actions. So their scores would be completely dependent on what they do an how they perform. That would eliminate carries and a lot of problems right away.

The funny thing is that maggot has a 3 sec rev time before it starts spewing. More than enough time to move out of it.

I dont think people are aware that tick has a bursting mechanics on them. The worst is when people pull the tick pack after the 1st boss. See it happen way too many times

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They had something similar in he headless horseman, at least from a reward standpoint. though I think if there were debuffs that stacked and if someone got that max threshold on a M+ run and it jeopardized their dps output or healing throughput, or survival, it might lead to some, uh, undesirable scenarios.

but I’m tracking with what you’re saying. perhaps the benefit is simply being asked to group up again?

Man, in relatively high fortified keys, those things can murder…

Has it? I hadn’t noticed.


how did i know you spec’d subtlety…

Nope this is completely new thread and never have been brought up every week