People leaving M+ runs needs to seriously be addressed

I know this has come up before but people leaving mythics and ruining the run for the rest of the party needs to have some sort of punishment. More so since the new current trend is to just log off. This is honestly getting tiring to see. It takes time to set up the runs and then going through the run up until they leave and then not being able to do anything just sucks. Now I know there are going to be those of you who will say you can’t punish someone for DC’ing, well I say your wrong. Especially when there is an habitual pattern of it. What I would propose is this: First one or two DC’s and no returns are a warning. After that A 30 minute suspension, then a 4 hour and followed by a 1 day. This suspension needs to be account wide where they can not enter M+ because they will just jump on other toons and do it again. Most people will log right back in when they DC so it is pretty clear who is doing this.

Also a voting feature to end the run should be put in where the group can end the run without punishment.


I saw a post on wowhead i think they are looking into penalizing M+ leavers


Would you have the link I would love to see it.

There’s just no way, they wouldn’t dare

Source or link? I’m assuming it must be “breaking”/very last-minute news cause I haven’t seen anything all day

It was a post on Facebook from wowhead , i tried to look but theres too many posts now with Blizzcon to go thorough

Why wouldn’t they dare?

I don’t do M+ so this wouldn’t affect me but I’m not sure this would work. I do understand it’s an issue though.

What would happen if someone thinks - “Okay, I’ll stay in the run and just bork the timer by being bad.”

(this is my guessing the timer is still a thing?)


found it


Why dp you care you don’t really run them?

Thats where the voting feature to end the run would come in.

How do you figure?

Why do people link to WoWhead when its a blue post here on the forums…

And…I linked to the wrong post lol, fixed.

Eh, it’s a big nothing-burger, imo. Here’s exactly what was posted:

Edit - Doh, someone already posted it!

If you run with people you know (friends/guildmates/etc.) then it ceases to be an issue.

If you insist on pugging with random strangers, that’s on you.

The best thing Blizzard could do is stop designing the entire game’s gearing system around M+, so it isn’t so make-or-break.


Well considering on that account we can see your Achievements…

And its really not a problem…that GD wants it to be… I have pugged all of my keys except maybe 3 to 4 and i can count on one hand the leavers


All devs said is that they have the discussion from time to time, and there’s nothing to announce but when they do decide something, they’ll let us know.
So basically, doing nothing about it :smile:


Look, I loathe pugging and refuse to do it, and as a result I’ve never even seen a M0, which I’m sure I could easily accomplish.

Regardless of that, where’s this idea coming from that you can control other players? If they can’t leave they’ll just disconnect or sit down until they are kicked. And they’re only going to be more irate at the fact that they can’t leave. I just don’t see any upside to attempting to police people who no longer wish to play with you.


I’m guildless and have no friends so I pug all my keys, never had a problem

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Too much potential for abuse (for example: a premade or group of friends/group of guildies maliciously false-reporting an innocent pug to give him the leaver debuff/penalty) given the “community” we have in modern times/2023. The general public can’t be trusted to not file false reports

And of course, the M+ pug scene would instantly die overnight following the introduction of such a M+ leaver penalty. Participation would plummet thru the floor as competent players become afraid/wary of ending up “trapped” in a failed/wipefest dungeon with bad players


Rather than punishments, they need to encourage people to finish the run. Or allow backfilling so the people that want to can finish. No solution that tries to trap people in a key will be successful.


there’s only 3 reasons i think leaving should be allowed

  1. if the teams toxic.
  2. if the team is doing a carry yet didnt say it. (luckily i always look at people io)
  3. if we overtime (even more so latter into the season when im pushing score more then gear)
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