People leaving M+ runs needs to seriously be addressed

You need to tell these people they will get no cookies with such bad behavior I am sure this will work wink wink


the only reason i leave a mythic plus group is because if someone is being toxic to me and i stand by that decision 100%.

one of my toons is a tank and i cant tell you how many times people try to flame me for pulling a mob that isn’t usually pulled or using a route they haven’t done before…

regardless of the fact that the run is going perfectly fine, people still feel the need to flame…and i won’t sit around to deal with that.

sometimes i’ll try to talk to them and say “well i pulled this pack of mobs instead of that one because this is a pug group and we don’t have coordinated interrupts or enough aoe stops.” then the person will usually respond with something “like stop talking and do your job, start tanking.” then they follow that up with worse things.

at that point, just leave. and i am 100% in the right for doing so.


I don’t think there needs to be any sort of punishment it terms of suspensions etc, because Blizzard can’t verify why someone actually left, neither can the group.

What I think would work best though is they add a dnf% to a players score and that way it makes it easier to identify those who are leaving keys at an absurd rate.

The vote to end key idea would be cool, but if it depletes the key, it doesn’t really matter

I wouldn’t punish with suspension, I would make it punish their rating and maybe loot from the vault

the solution to this problem is quite easy and it doesn’t involve anyone holding someone else hostage in a toxic situation.

just make mythic plus keys not deplete… instead of depleting, the key just stays at the level it was… there ya go, if someone leaves your group, you can just go again, no problems.


M+ is fine as is. Why would you stick around for a lousy group anyway?


What I find interesting is, I always hear about people “leaving groups” all the time on these forums, but haven’t been in a group where it has happened. I feel like this is one of those mid key problems

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What if the person leaves because the group is a trainwreck and its obvious the key won’t even be completed, let alone timed?

Those groups may be rare, but when it happens should you feel stuck there for an hour failing over and over?


Make friends and they won’t leave. This is a problem that players could fix on their own by being social.


I actually like that idea where there is a metric that show the non completion of runs. Hit to rating wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

A vote option to end the run without depleting key
A score to show non-completion
Rating penalties for leavers

Just even these 3 simple things I believe would have a huge impact.

Honestly it will be hard to regulate and punish accordingly.
My group for example, its a full premade. What if we know the key is going to be bricked and we want to reset it to lower it.

An automated system would flag a keyreset or people zoning out of the dungeon imo. Leaving a party could also cause problems. Sometimes we’ll try a run and its no bueno. Some of us will run out. Leave group and swap toons. Would those toons get penalized? A black mark/negative rating for leaving a key in progress even though it was a full friend run?

This system would be hard to automate and if it’s done via player input, it can be abused to give people bad ratings or penalize innocent pugs.

It’s annoying when people ditch keys, but more often than not, they stick around for the bricked run. Which feels like a bigger problem than ditchers, as they put in minimal effort for a completion and if we remove them, we then have to 4 man and they can STILL run in and get the reward after.

Tbh the only way to really fix this is a vote kick and timer pause with the ability to fill an empty spot. But again, I feel like that could also get abused. Get towards the end of the run, kick the pug and invite undergeared friend for the loot.

Sounds like a goldmine for boosters. Do the run with fully geared toons and fill in the person getting carried right at the end. Pretty sure this was doable in Legion, minus the timer stopping.

My thoughts exactly. As it’s a premade, like a regular raid, it’s hard to regulate as it’s leaders rule.
Any attempts from blizz to penalize could be abused or punish innocent people.

I have yet to really see a full proof way to do this that can’t be abused. The only thing I can think of is to just stop the key from downgrading or giving it attempts.
That way you can do it again, and we don’t have to worry about hypothetical punishments. Everyone wins more or less.

That’s because there isn’t. M+ has been in the game for 4 expansions now, if there was a foolproof way to penalize people, it would be in the game by now.

Either it’ll get abused or innocent people will be handed bans, mutes, score decreases, whatever people are suggesting. This happens in many other multiplayer games where you get a penalty for simply DCing and it feels bad. There really is no perfect solution.

I know it’s in the works with Blizz, and I’ll be interested to see their workaround. In due time…


It was hot here pre-blizzcon.

Inb4 getting temp banned for bad internet like OW ranked xD
Will definitely be interesting to see what they cooked up.

If there was a punishment for leaving I would try my hardest never to pug again.


Find a new troll post, blizzard already addressed this.

When in fact they haven’t, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a big topic.

They did. There was a blue post on it not too long ago.

Then by all means, what was the solution that was decided on and implemented because you seem to be the only who knows of it.