People leaving M+ runs needs to seriously be addressed

Pay up.

Not interested in helping randos learn in +18s and above.


how would blizzard determine if someone left for the purpose of griefing a group as opposed to someone leaving because they wanted to get away from harrassment?

and don’t say “oh blizzard will read chat logs” because you know they won’t. a punishment system for mythic plus leavers would be automated.

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You sir are part of the problem and the reason you probably don’t see the leavers is because you are the leaver.

Blizzards own systems track who logs of and when its not hard to see patterns.

No, you are the problem as you didn’t read my reasons. I’ve left a fraction of the total keys I’ve been a part of.

You’re failing to understand that people have reasons for leaving. Nobody is obligated to stay when there is somebody flaming them. Nobody is obligated to stay when the key has 70 deaths and no one is doing mechanics. Nobody is obligated to stay when you’re already 10 minutes over time and can’t kill the final boss.

You are ignoring nuance and it’s severely hurting your argument. Nobody here is against penalizing brazen jerks who log on just to troll.


Leaving because someone is not playing to your standard or because you wont time it is not a good enough reason. Sorry.

if you are so concerned about people leaving groups that you take time out of your day to make a thread about it on the forums, people probably leave your groups alot.

you might to ask why they leave your group.

harrassment and toxic behavior is quite common in mythic plus pugs, you would basically advocate for punishing someone who gets harrassed more than once.


Sure is if you’re in a +21 and you’re there for score. I’m going to leave and I’ll bet you the others will be thinking the same thing.

100% a good reason to leave. M+ is rarely about the loot. Especially in higher keys, no one is there for the chest at the end.


what’s next? do you advocate for punishments to people who leave LFR, who leave normal raids, people who leave your time rift group early???

like if we get a punishment for mythic plus leavers, then every type of leaving group can be punished, which is not a good thing.


Ummm there already is…

People not doing a rotation, neglecting their kit, and failing mechs to the point where it is severely effecting the run is plenty reason to leave.


And our resident pirate opens up with a John Wayne broadside!

actually there isn’t… if someone leaves before attacking a boss one time, then yes, they get a 30 minute deserter debuff… if someone participates in atleast one attempt on a boss in LFR, they get no penalty for leaving.


In a +5, you might be a jerk for this.

In a +25, you’d be insane not to leave.

OP can’t understand context.


the second that blizzard implements a system to punish mythic plus leavers, is the very second that i log off and unsub entirely.

if i am going to be held hostage in every mythic plus group i join, i genuinely don’t ever want to play this game.


The funny thing here is I see a bunch defending leavers when most have said this comes up all the time and then they try to say it isn’t a problem. LOL the contradictions are hilarious.

The term for that my friend is called a PUNISHMENT.

not if they attack a boss, no… they dont get the deserter debuff.

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you know why leaving mythic plus groups comes up alot? because there are toxic people in mythic plus and its quite common to be the victim of harrassment in a mythic plus group… and i wholeheartedly advocate for allowing people to leave groups whenever they want if it means they can escape harrassment.


And I def think that’s important. OP has mentioned standards and learning. But I don’t think I’ve even seen what key level they are referring to. I mean, I could agree that leavers sucks in the context of learning if it’s low keys, ie. learning keys. But like… at +14 you’ve seen all the mechs and affixes. After that you’re kind of expected to know how everything works for the most part. Not 100% execution, but I would expect an understanding rotations and mechs.

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The forums full of complaints? Shocker.

Imagine if all the people who had successful, non-toxic runs came to the forums and told us about it. They’d drown out the complaints about this topic.

My point being, this forum is not a good metric for what actually happens. Most people don’t go on Google Reviews to give a 5 star review for an average experience. They go to complain.


My best advice is, when you run a successful key with folks that you enjoyed running with, you ask them in chat something to the equivalent of “thanks for the run, you guys were solid. Mind if I add your btags for future runs?” Or “do you want to run what this key turned into? Looking for consistent group to help push these/complete these/fill out weekly vault/have fun/(insert primary objective here).”

It’s a multi-run/week process but it can help start to build a collection of not only good players, but like-minded players.

Generally, people may be reluctant to tell others how to play, and/or provide feedback. It may be mistaken for blunt, non constructive criticism. Thus, sometimes it’s best to find folks that are already playing at a similar level and/or playing for similar objectives.

The only time I’ve left a key is with friends and back in BFA when we were getting murdered in a 20 tyrannical Crawg key. Group decided to take the L and try a different key.