People leaving M+ runs needs to seriously be addressed

Maybe they should set up 2 different group-finders.

  1. The one we have now.
  2. One with punishments that will be enforced.

Then all the bad players can sign up in #2 with each other.


Isnā€™t this subjective? I can call anyone ā€œtoxicā€ then bail and brick that key. Doesnā€™t seem to solve the problem people have with the current system.

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to an extent it is, but when there 100% throwing or just being d-bags then im out

Vote to kick is alive and well (not fully loved tho) in most queue-able dungeoning.
I doubt it will die to 0% Participation overnight.
Perhaps Competent players would take time to notice who the other competent players are and seek them out. Make friends and form alliances to combat terror of the bads!

Does this need to happen?
For me, I dont have a worgan in that fight so i simply shrug.
There should not be a harsh penalty forced on players should someone decide to mess up the run for whatever reason

What about the people who play so poorly, it causes others to no longer want to be in that group?

Do we need to address them too?


Like the 2 (obvious) Havoc rerolls I had last night in a 16 Uldaman? No interrupts, sub tank dmg, dying a lot and then bailed after dying 2x in the same boss encounter. Good times.

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Just make it so that if the key is abandoned before a certain threshold, it doesnt deplete.

That way the M+ leavers are free to abandon keys with abandon as they already do, and the key owner isnt left holding the bag at the whims of everyone else.

Hell ill even be nice and say within the first 10 minutes, that way if someone really does wanna just deplete someones key they can do that too by waiting until the 10 minute mark then tanking the run.


Then you run into those purposely doing so in order to reset.

the issue with penalizing people who leave mythic plus groups is that it would effectively force everyone to always stay in a group until the end of the dungeon, regardless of anything else that happens.

What do you do if someone in the group is harrassing you and insulting you during the dungeon? well, if you would get a penalty for leaving, then you are forced to just stay in the group and endure the harrassment.

punishing people for leaving a group is something that should never happen.


I want you to respond to this post below

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This topic comes up all the time, and Iā€™ll be the first to go against the grain.

No, leavers should not be punished.

I play this game solely for running keys of all levels, ranging from 2-25. I very, very, very rarely see folks dip out for zero reason. Thereā€™s almost always a wipe that happens, a toxic player, or they are honest and say they have to go. I can count on one hand per season the amount of leavers Iā€™ve seen with no context to go off of. I donā€™t know why here on the forums there are so many people that claim this happens all the time. It doesnā€™t.

Iā€™ve left keys for lots of reasons. Number one reason being there is a rear end in the group that I refuse to play with. The second somebody flames me completely out of pocket, I am out. Sorry to the other three players who had nothing to do with it, but, I refuse to spend my sliver of free time playing with jerks who frankly donā€™t deserve to time the key. Iā€™ve been on the receiving end of this too, where somebody has left after being flamed. And you know what? I donā€™t blame them one bit. We play this game to have fun, and when it gets sour, I no longer partake. I will die on this hill.

I have also left dozens of keys when they wonā€™t be timed. Typically only in the 20+ range, but a few lower ones as well. In the context of keys higher than 20s, people are playing for score, not loot. They can and will leave when the key is no longer timeable, and shouldnā€™t be obligated to stick around and waste time in a dead key because some auto-punishment system will get them.

Sorry, but leavers are the nature of pugging a multiplayer mode. It sucks when it happens but the majority of the time, there is a reason. People donā€™t join keys with the intention to be a jerk and leave for no reason. Unless they are of that 1%.


Correct which was why i made the threshold 10 minutes. If someone wants to brick your key they will have to stick around for 10 minutes to be a Mr Harry Dickenson.

Theres literally no way to stop people from being jerks, well there are but the General Boards will cry if you do. So best thing to advocate to lessen the blow.

All the blue post said is that theyā€™re aware of the issue and been discussing it internally but not to expect any actual changes any times soon.

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There is a big difference between that and people intentionally logging off to bail on groups. The point would be to focus on the habitual leavers. Not the 1 offs.

Many people talk about making friends and working together but all seem to be above helping someone who may not be as pro as they are.

Itā€™s very likely that people leaving runs is somehow related to the ppl complaining about it.

Thereā€™s usually one or more people ruining the run thatā€™s causing people to leave.


I donā€™t owe anyone anything in this game.

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The middle of a timed key is not the place to stop and try to help a poor performer. Poor performers can join class discords, sim, read guides, etc. But you think they should expect strangers to stop in the middle of a key and teach them to play better?


The only thing I can see happening is a reporting system that is combined with manual and automated processes to determine penalization. The automated part would be a tally of how frequent a person gets reported for leaving a dungeon, the human oversight is that upon reaching a specific tally a GM would investigate the issue and address a penalty if necessary. Any other possibilities would be too easily abused one way or the other.

You didnā€™t acknowledge this anywhere in your original post.

Yes, there is a big difference. Leaver punishment is mostly going to affect people who donā€™t want to waste time, or donā€™t want to deal with jerks. Not the repeat leavers youā€™re referring to.

I really dislike blanket statements like this. You clearly arenā€™t looking in the right places. Thereā€™s dozens of M+ communities full of high io players willing to help or even carry people. Myself included, I love to teach people- especially new healers.

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