People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

Makes sense to me to do it that way.

The game shows the story from our perspective. It wouldn’t make a ton of sense for us to know all her private thoughts and motivations, to see all her private dealings that our character wasn’t around for.

On the other hand, a book told from her perspective is the perfect place for those things.


I tried that with the Vorkai hunters one time… does not work too well when said runners are quadrupeds…

sylvanas can’t make final flash!

vegeta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sylvanas

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For all of the evils Garrosh has done, he wasn’t an accomplice to sending every soul in the multiverse to the literally worst hell in the setting.


Well, I dislike DBZ, and love Sylvanas.

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And people claim that Sylvanas fanboys are not just a cesspool of simps.

Yup, Garrosh did a lot of evil, but it still was nowhere near the levels of Sylvanas… and people condemn Garrosh to eternity, despite Garrosh just being an overgrown child put into a rough position during an extremely tough time.

Sylvanas ruined a potentially secure time for her own personal benefit.

Garrosh became the leader of the Horde and the orcs at a time when the Alliance blamed the Wrath Gate incident on the Horde, under the Catalysm and with the orcs nearing famine. Garrosh went to war for his people, and people hate him more than Sylvanas.


Garrosh did a lot more of evil.
Of course pushing Trolls and everyone else in slums and more isn’t interesting to your perspective.
Also Garrosh was the one that originally pushed for the attack of Gilneas. He also wanted to fight the Alliance in front of the Scourge (left on his own).

Garrosh is for good reason disliked. Funny you would make this as a “good point”.


But did Garrosh doom the souls of others to eternal torture and suffering for his own benefits?

No… I thought not.

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Why would I care about stupid retcons going back and rewrite WC3 when talking about WoTLK? Right. No reason to. Looking at a story, or a character with such a leans back after their story was changed doesn’t make really sense.

I’m sure not a single person Garrosh killed was dammed. What a strange take.

What are you even talking about.
WC3, WoTLK, retcons? What?

The evidence speaks of itself.

Garrosh did not start a war to doom the souls of innocents eternally for constant torture and suffering, Sylvanas did.

Garrosh waged a war due to what he felt was injusticies, that the Horde would be blamed for tragedies of both Alliance and Horde, that the Alliance sat on all fertile land on Azeroth while the orcs were nearing famine following the Catalysmic events.

Garrosh’ initial motives started less horrible and turned horrible.

But it still nowhere near Sylvanas, whose goals was always the death and damnation of every living soul, just so that she could reward herself.


You were talking about damnation of souls. That’s a SL retcon.

Indeed. Garrosh did a lot more messed up nonsense.

That’s simply delusional.

Oh mass genocide every non Orc is so much less horrible. Sure.
Also: Don’t forget screwing up a different time line / dimension for selfish reasons.


He didn’t though.


Seems like the draenei and orcs fared better there than on the OG timeline Draenor.

The damnation part was never a specific part of it until SL.

Yeah attempted genocide on 2 worlds is totally not worse. Of course.

That is just the direction blizzard chose to take her character.
I do not see a retcon.

Atleast someone would live.
As opposed to Sylvanas… no one whatsoever would live if it had been up to her.

So you’re wrong. K.

Orcs. Yay.

Sylvanas also says she’s doing her thing because she’s trying to fix what she believes to be a flawed afterlife, so if she was correct and successful, she’d be fixing a multiverse-level problem. That kind of “good” would far outweigh Garrosh’s “the world is for orcs” intent. And given that the cutscene of Anduin’s compass message says that both he and Sylvanas would be lost before her goal was achieved, I think the game might currently be trying to hint that Sylvanas was even planning to sacrifice her own soul by the end.

He did charge his shaman with enslaving the elements (disrupting the balance of nature) and pushing his own people to use corrupting magics of an old God (if he succeeded then Azeroth would have been fully consumed by the void with N’zoth likely taking advantage of it and leading to the old gods victory). His actions would have still kicked off a highly destructive and catastrophic events that would have posed a threat to the universe with Y’shaarj, through Garrosh and N’zoth (and Aszhara) which would come into question about how Sargeras would be able to handle a void infused Azeroth if the old gods, because of Garrosh would have been able to prematurely awaken it from its slumber.

When was Vegeta redeemed? As far as we know, he has a one way ticket to hell waiting for him when he kicks the bucket. It was made pretty clear in DBZ that there’s no way to erase all the bad things he has done. In fact, he is canonically alive because they needed him to fight Majin Buu, not because he was redeemed.

Is he a more likeable character than Sylvannas? Yeah, but that’s only because Sylvannas was written to be an insufferable Mary Sue. There is no substance or anything in her character that makes you want to root for her. I mean, Jesus, people loved Thanos, and he wanted to evaporate half of the universe, and he eradicated god knows how many civilizations before the events of the infinity gauntlet, all it took was some proper character development.

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Do you want redemption for her? Well, let him die and spend a long time at Revendred.

Did you meet or become fond of someone whom Vegeta killed?

the closest thing to that was an alien couple

with her it is a “personal” matter.

Hmm I never though Id see the day Sylvanas would be compared to Vegeta. And here we are. Honestly I was expecting Sasuke.