People hate Sylvanas, but love Vegeta

I love that Vegeta dared Cell not to dodge the Final Flash, and it hecking worked.

I love that that beam was huge, aimed downward and he still missed most of Cell.
That or the taunt didn’t fully work and Cell dodged at the last moment.

Death has little consequence in the DBZ universe. Vegeta could blow up the world and they’ll just ask the dragon to make a new one with everyone alive.

yeah he even yells an expletive in the uncensored version of the episode.

I’d argue that Vegeta was never given a chance to be a legitimately good person before heading to Earth.

He was not only raised by a society of bloodthirsty warriors who had little to no concept of mercy or empathy but was also under the rule of Frieza for whom any show of weakness was a virtual death sentence.

If he WASN’T cruel and vicious, he’d probably have been dead by his own father’s hand before he reached adulthood as an embarrassing weakling that couldn’t be tolerated.

After Goku spared him instead of killing him however, he began to evidence the first stirrings of a conscience and was willing to work alongside people he wouldn’t have hesitated to kill previously even if it was for an ultimately selfish reason in self preservation.

Still, progress is progress. And as he lay dying after being shot by Frieza, we saw the first display of guilt and regret from him as he told Goku the truth of what happened to their people and how Frieza had pretty much molded him to be the monster he was.

And after being resurrected, he slowly began to grow as an individual. He’s still a bit of a cold fish and is kind of an a-hole sometimes, but he continues to gradually get better and even start becoming a more caring husband and father.

It may not seem like much, but for someone who was raised in that society of fear and chaos, it’s pretty remarkable growth. He may not have had the opportunity to be good growing up and into his early adulthood, but when given the opportunity he chose to become a better person.

That’s why I like him, he’s flawed but he still grows and improves not just in his fighting but in his relationships.


tbf Cell was also eager to see how durable he was. His fight with Vegeta after becoming perfect was to test his new abilities. If he could survive a Final Flash from the strongest person (other than himself) at that point in time that we know of, what could he actually die to? I prefer to imagine that he actually took the hit directly (but still didn’t expect it to be that powerful). After surviving, he basically played into Vegeta’s ego before dropping the “I can regenerate” card. Probably why I prefer DBZA cell.

He breaks the cycle of abuse.

Which is hard to do.

He would later be a mentor to Cabba in Super.

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I actually wish I had a like for this left :blue_heart:.