People go out of their way to make their characters as powerful as possible and then complain the raid is easy

Seriously. You go out of you way to farm pre-bis, get WBs, get consumes, look up guides, and every other thing you can possibly do to make a raid as easy as possible and then complain when the raid is easy. Make it make sense.


i’ve only seen people complaining the raid is too hard not too easy, some classic players seriously want all PVE content to be facerolls cus free lootz

I wonder what inspired this post.

Blizzard Please Stop Balancing Around Noobs

Why make 4 minute fights into 30 second fights?

Easy raids are not why people wanted classic

Just a few threads by scrolling for 5 seconds.


Considering most of the spam on Crusader Strike for ST is:

Gonna have to go with you’re wrong on this one. The larger raid size and weekly lockout is a complete miss for how people play SoD.

Not that it matters too much, the loot from ST is not good. Skip the phase and come back when they put out new stuff.

I’m not really sure what this has to do with my post, but okay.

Your post indicates that people are unhappy with the raid difficulty, nobody cares about the 1% of sweaties for game health. People are, largely, not clearing the dungeon.

I’m not really sure what youre statement has to do with anything, is the larger problem.

You’re upset a few people said something?

I mean that the forums are complaining about how easy the raid is now after it was nerfed. These same people are also the types of players to do everything in their power to make the raid as easy as they can. Why do everything you can to make a raid easy and then complain when the raid ends up being easy for you? This is my question. Make it make sense.

I’m not upset about anything, especially not some forums posts. A simple question is all I have.

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is just normal stuff you should do to perform well in raids. and also you do all these things b/c raid content is suppose to be challenging. so i say again uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

No one said it wasnt.

Find me where it was posted that SoD raid content was supposed to be challenging. SoD is on the classic era client and classic era content was cleared by people in greens and below 60 for MC and then under an hour for every single subsequent raid release.

The only people crying about the raid being too easy are forum warriors who haven’t touched the raid yet and are trying to live vicariously through top 1% speedrun guilds.

what are u even talking about clownie, raids are suppose to be harder content in mmos.

thats why so much prep goes into them. duuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr

I think its more people that take WoW way too seriously for a video game and need to touch grass myself. That or people confused thinking SoD was supposed to have challenging raid content when its on the classic era client.

So tell me how MC being cleared by level 58s in greens is hard. Tell me how every subsequent raid released being cleared in under an hour is hard.

Wait, your the guy who thinks real life and video games are equal. Not wasting my time lol

In the interest of transparency, i’ll see how Eranikus goes tonight. I saw some cats wiping on it still. I’ll also let you know if the bosses before are a complete faceroll or not.

Again getting TO eranikus last week was relatively easy, so I didn’t see the need to nerf anything prior to that.

Its possible that the raid is actually reasonably tuned as I only had 1 lockout to go off of.

well raids are not the same difficulty for every person. theres some players that can do that and others that cant. your such a white knight for the casuals you should understand that they wont be able to do :

also ur talking about like 1-2% of the wow population if even. not ur average joe is going in there and doing that XD thats why players do what u said in ur og post.

stop trying to make it sound like doing normal mmo stuff is somehow bad and the reason why raids are ez


are we basing this off the nerds who played in private servers for years and even went on the PTR while minmaxing every aspect of their characters? because if you looked at the community a lot you will see how classic players complained about content being too hard almost every phase especially during/after tbc classic

I still haven’t gone in since last Monday so I’m not sure yet either. My raid last night was postponed to tomorrow.

Having said that though I didn’t intend for this thread to be a discussion on whether or not the raid is hard or easy, there are enough of those. I was just curious why the people who do everything they can to make themselves as strong as possible in order to make a raid as easy as possible complain when they easily clear a raid.

So far all I’ve really gotten is

but I don’t remember SoD raids being advertised as hard. I remember the term “approachable” being used at Blizzcon. Approachable, at least to me, is the opposite of hard.

The modern gamer has taken cookie cutter to a whole new level. It was a problem years ago and now it’s just ridiculous. Down to the exact world buffs and consumables you must bring.

I don’t want to play a game like that.

The chemo is to make the raids trivial loot pinatas until the parsing culture just leaves for greener pastures.

Of course. But its those same type of “nerds” that are grabbing everything they possibly can to trivialize content and then complaining when the content is trivial.

I do remember people crying even on classic about hard raids. I don’t remember the people killing bosses in 30 seconds crying about it being too easy though. That seems to be the forums when talking about ST right now.

yea yea go back to quoting the same thing and repeating urself and completely ignore all the solid points and facts i stated. thats kinda ur thing. with what uve been saying on other posts, and now this i can tell ur a liberal irl. LOL