Easy raids are not why people wanted classic

If classic players just wanted a brain dead game they could have just queued LFR in retail. Vanilla is a vastly superior game despite being easy, not because of it.

People wanted classic because of all the anti mmo and anti rpg features that destroyed retail and transformed it into a solo action adventure with a multiplayer lobby.

In retail the open world is irrelevant, leveling is a joke, the social aspect is killed by LFD, LFR, and transmog, professions and gold are useless, flying mounts kill world PvP and shrink the world, classes are ultra homogenization with no identity, talent trees killed, no class quests, etc.

These are the things classic players hate and why they wanted vanilla.

Ironically it’s primarily retail players who think classic players just like it because easy, because they cannot admit to themselves and accept the fact that people don’t enjoy the horrible anti-MMO features that they like, and this is just easier for their brains to compute. Except if it was just easy content people wanted, as was said classic players could have just queued LFR.


SoD people want braindead easy raids :pretzel: :beer: :expressionless:
the sooner you accept this, the better


If easy content was the reason for classic, why didn’t classic players just queue LFR?

Either this is bait or you only read the title. Probably both.

Maybe those same retailers also think this is the perfect version of the game except there’s skill level is quite a bit higher than the average era player so they want the raid to be harder because of that

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but to a retailer, “harder” means turning the game into dance dance revolution :expressionless:


I quit retail in cata, I enjoy harder stuff. Vanilla and TBC are far superior to wrath and cata and modern retail just takes everything I hate about cata and puts it on overdrive.

What’s ridiculous is this conversation is only ever “you want a loot piñata” or “you want mythics”.

When most classic players asking for harder raids just want mechanics and teamwork to matter, not super intense hardcore progression with hundreds of wipes worth of trial and error.

This black and white thinking 99% of the time is a strawman.


LOL, that is such a great analogy. Really made me laugh. That’s what I think when i was FF14 raids.


So you don’t want Mythics, you want Heroics

Retail still has those, too


By your same logic, why don’t classic players just play LFR if they only want brain dead content?

Either you only read the title or have no counterpoints.

LFR retail raids are 100% harder than naxx. its just classic players do suck a lot at the game. dont believe? go watch some of the hardcore death moments. thats your average playerbase.


I never said classic players only want brain dead content. I’m arguing against your claim that they don’t want easier content at all, but they choose Classic anyway because “it’s the better game”

Wow, taking a few anecdotes on YouTube of people dying an avoidable death in hardcore. Now that is what I call strong evidence.


We need a happy middle ground like say three to four mechanics per boss.

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That whole gatekeeping mindset is what created retail in the first place. Demanding everything be locked behind a wall so they can push out casual players is exactly why retail is dead to everyone who isn’t an elitist.


The beginning of the end for retail was killing the open world and implementing devastating features like LFD.


like i said, thats the average playerbase, that’s how they play classic. thats your 99% playerbase. with that beign said, the 99% playerbase wont clear any harder raid than ST.

every time i see captain grim videos i see in derek the classic playerbase, every single one of them.

So you are just pulling numbers out of your @ based on YouTube videos. Lol


Oh, you’re one of those…


what stronger evidence do you want? thats how classic players play the game. thats how they die. thats how they raid. if they cant stand out of the fire why would u think they can manage harder raids?


LOL that was a big point in the post. So you only read the title and wrote a triggered response without actually reading anything.

Yeah I’m not taking you seriously in this thread.