Why make 4 minute fights into 30 second fights?

An example is Atal’alarion. First day, guilds were taking 3-4 minutes to defeat the boss. He was very easy, had simple mechanics, and overall fun as an introduction.

Now, he is being killed in as fast as 28 seconds. You don’t even see any of the mechanics anymore. The boss is no longer a boss and dies quicker than some of the trash packs. It is no longer fun.

I understand that toxic casuals will say “tHIs iS a leVeL Up rAId”, but this isn’t even fun for casuals as well. There isn’t gameplay. It is effectively just a vendor that hands out free loot.


Did they actually nerf the earlier bosses by 50% too? LMFAO

The only bosses that needed adjustments were eranakus and hakkar, yet they just took the hammer to everything.


I don’t think the first boss changed at all actually. I’m pretty sure it’s the same.

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Better gear do bosses faster?

Yup, they nerfed the first boss substantially, even though he was a boss that nearly everyone one-shotted. He is down to 696k HP! For reference, that is a 50% nerf in HP alone.

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it’s always said here “people want easy raids” I guess it’s true :expressionless:


So, it’s a decent

So it will level you up, both in power and experience (when we can get it again)
Thanks for clarifying.

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What I don’t get is that the early bosses, especially the first, were already very easy. Now, they just made it so you can’t even see any mechanics. They took the gameplay out of the game.


They’re trying to minimize gameplay and maximize time we spend running through zones/dungeons while avoiding all mobs in them.

This way we might not notice how bad they are at class balance and changes.


Yikes… No point in even remaking dungeons into raids at this point.


I think they did nerf all the early bosses yesterday

Seasonal level up raids are supposed to be easy level-up/gearing content.

It’s not supposed to be a 4 hour slog.

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Want it harder?

Remove pieces of gear until you reach your desired difficulty.


The casual crowd is insanely toxic in this game and if a boss doesn’t fall over and die to collect free loot in 30 seconds the raid is garbage and devs have no idea what they’re doing, they MUST make 3000 posts about it.
Any sense of difficulty and accomplishment must be removed to cater to these players.

All these years of people complaining about retail doing this, giving free loot, brainless content that doesn’t need communication and now we’re doing it to vanilla/sod.

Never forget catering to casuals is what lead us to retail design that ironically so many of these players “hate”.


the speed kill ranks for the trolls is actually bugged and those 30 second fights are only showing a few of the trolls in that fight but not all. Those will be removed and excluded/blacklisted once WCL adds the ranking rules and does a recrawl as well.

With that being said, the fight is still much shorter (like 53seconds for fastest in world atm and time gated by the spawn rate and distance of spawns a bit).

The raid is a complete joke now tho and the trash takes more effort and time than the bosses sadly.


We have toxic casuals to thank that crapped their pants when they saw an extremely unoptimized severely undergeared and runeless world first raid struggle with the second to last boss and threatened to quit (they were gonna quit regardless)


Blizzard don’t nerf, they sledgehammer.

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This is the kind of non-contributor you’d be carrying IRL on UBI.


Most prebis is gnomer gear.

And frankly the world first guilds should be able to clear raids in greens.

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No, catering to high end raiders led to retails design.

Before then the average person could get the best gear from raids because it wasn’t ridiculously hard.