Yes, that’s… that’s normal. Even WoW does this if you don’t pay for the current expansion. (Obviously except WoW doesn’t do multiples per year, but the paying part is true)
You get 5 standard skills, and an ultimate, yes. However you’re ignoring the part where a second hotbar can be swapped to at any time by switching weapons. You get two sets of weapons (at level 15) and each can be equipped with skills.
So you can have 10 skills and 2 ultimates. I don’t recall exactly right now but I believe swapping will not share ultimate though (so if you were 90% of the way to Ultimate 1, swapping will not get you 90% of the way to Ultimate 2).
The game is literally buy to play. No sub needed.
You buy the expansions like you would every MMO.
Additional DLC story was added as bonus content which you could literally unlock for free if you had a subscription, which would also earn you in game currency you could use to buy the DLC if you wanted. Think of the DLC as little sidestories, like 8ish hours of content per, but it’s own thing, not part of the main story or expansions.
DLC is fairly regularly added during and inbetween expansions.
Hello, 9-1-1. Sir, calm down. I understand your house is on fire, but what about all the other houses that are on fire? You’re being pretty selfish. We don’t have enough fire trucks to put out all the fires, so we’re just not putting any of them out.
I don’t know about you but I have atleast 15 just remember off the top of my head since you can, you know, switch weapons which have different skills attached to them.
You’re also talking about the DLC, the expansions are bi-yearly.
A sub also gets you everything but the bi-yearly expansions for free. I literally have all of the DLC that i now own via the in game currency you get FOR FREE each month lol.
Honestly ESO feels more honest in terms of cost, to me. The sub cost is removed for most players, but releasing an expansion every year (or slightly more often) is not cheap. We can debate about whether it’s worth $60 once a year (or slightly more often over time) for a new entire zone that’s equal to a mini-continent in WoW terms, but the amount of effort and work that goes into it is definitely worth that.
It’s also important to realize that ESO doesn’t need a sub cost to play.
Let’s say I buy one expansion this year, two next year, and then one the next. In three years I’ve paid $240 in expansions, but no sub costs. The same amount of time in WoW would cost me $540 just in sub costs, let alone the expansions. There’s a clear winner in terms of the amount of content coming out and the amount you have to pay to play that content.
Pretending WoW released an expansion every year? Over three years you’d pay that $540 plus another $180 for three expansions. ESO put out four expansions in that time ask asked you for $480 less.
To me this means Blizzard (and individuals of blizzard management) should be prosecuted to the extent of the law, the victims compensated where its found blizzard is guilty and the company made to change its practices so they are inline with the laws they are obliged to operate under.
This does not mean I want blizzard to be burnt to the ground or that I want those that are innocent (which is probably more than just the 25% of current female employees at blizzard but a decent amount of their male counterparts too) to be sacrificed as collateral, thats what we call a witch hunt and our entire legal system is based on the premise it is better to set a guilty man free than punish an innocent man.
I read the OP’s post. I read your post. Am I suppose to read all the posts in this thread? There is no chance in hell that will happen. Claiming whataboutism is super lame. It always has been and also will be. First person I heard use that term was Chris Cuomo.
I don’t mind what it costs (if thats a reasonable amount) but I refuse to buy into a model where I don’t know where the bottom is and I couldn’t easily work out with these guys what that was. So I didn’t buy in. Some times “optional DLC” is just pay to win in disguise “hey start the game with a machine gun instead of a pistol with this paid DLC”.
Don’t play the race card in a video game forum when your individual identity is not ascertainable beyond your virtual avatar.
The reason their is doubt is because in modern woke culture victimhood aka being a minority is currency. There is a growing trend to spend that currency to add more value to an opinion or voice to make up for perceived imbalances in history - unfortunately this does translate to real value when corporations look at the sum total of that buying power and thus make moves to try to tap into the woke collective buying power.
I am a minority but I don’t advertise I am a minority… in your mind how do we work out who is “more” of a minority to know which of our opinions matters more because in my mind our opinions are equal and race has nothing to do with it.
I mean, get a sub, you get the DLC for free as long as you have sub. Otherwise you use in game currency or cash to buy it for yourself.
And no, DLC isn’t pay to win for this game.
There is no pay to win in ESO, not even close.