pretty much fired a dev for reporting sexual harrasment, and the flockers seem to just ignore it, what kind of cognitive dissonance is this?
the woke mob loves to hate males and white people because of the narrative…and im a minority and see this clear as light…but what gives to all the hypocrisy?
not what aboutism, its a problem across all of corporate america that needs attention …sorry your brain cant grasp that, just poiting out the hypocrisy here
You made a thread specifically targeting Final Fantasy and then changed your mind to all of corporate America(you are not wrong) when confronted, I don’t think it’s my brain you need to worry about.
made the thread targeting specifically the sheep that jump ship to ff14 because of the current scandal while forgetting past ones how cant you see that when i asked what the cognitive dissonance here is?
“People flocking to ff14 and ignoring what square enix did to a dev”
I reaaaly wish people would stop this virtue signaling that consumers need to care or be interested in the inner machinations of a multi billion dollar company. How many people are protesting Nike brand clothes/shoes? No one? Oh.
Heres the reality. People are flocking to FF14 because its a better product for its intended audience. WoW sucks right now and that doesnt seem to be changing soon.
So pretty much every corporation is evil if not all of them but trying to say how dare you go to another game is idiocy this is not about ffxiv or eso or wow or any game in its self it’s about holding people accountable for being crud humans period. Your missing the whole point and as a supporter and sub to all the games if ffxiv dev’s pulled this I would not hold it against people grow up.
You don’t know what whataboutism is. Whataboutism isn’t anytime someone says “what about X”. lol
It’s a type of argument, not an occurrence. Whataboutism, to BE WHATABOUTISM, must include itself as point of argumentation.
Simplye “what about X” occurring is NOT whataboutism.
Whataboutism: attempts to discredit an opponent’s position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument.
The entire industry is screwed. We shouldn’t be blaming companies either. Companies aren’t people. People work for companies.
The people inside these companies are to blame, the people who run these companies are to blame, and those who use the companies to shield cause harm are to blame. Literally it’s objective that Blizzard is mostly and objectively a place filled with good people, who are victimized by the owners and leaders of Blizzard. The VICTIMS ARE BLIZZARD! Blizzard didn’t sexually assaults Blizzard. A person sexually assaulted a person.
If you actually cared you would go to a forum for FF that has the very people you want to convince, here at the WoW forums we’re dealing with the WoW people who did bad things.