People flocking to ff14 and ignoring what square enix did to a dev

It is a little amusing considering the culture over there, they certainly aren’t worried about diversity and appeasing American sensibilities.

Digging up dirt anywhere isn’t too tough considering that there’s bad everywhere but it’s harder than putting your head in the sand and imagining you are doing wonderful amazing things :rainbow:

can people please stop living is so much fear that they dont fend off rape? ffs, just stop it already.

i get it, you dont want to get fired. you have money issues, etc. so what. stop falling in line with these pigs. just stop already

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To be fair, they were flocking to FF14 before any of the lawsuit news broke, so it’s hard to say what effect it is having.

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Posting in a troll thread, wooo-hoo!!

A rabbit wouldnt eat you… Would it? /eyes the rabbit in the yard…

now thats one hell of an assumption guy

And? This is a separate development team.

feel free to look at the google trends

If you cared about harassment and not people flocking to one game you would have looked into other gaming companies for the same issues. You chose to focus on one game because people are going it. Why you care what other people play is beyond me.

That and they were going to FF WAY before this started.


oh, I watched the vid. It’s another HR fail, because every HR dept/firm has too much power. But we’re bringing the company name down? k

First of all, didn’t you make this thread once before?

Second of all, there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, you’re literally picking the least evil of a box of 100% evil.

Now, I looked into this story when you (or whoever) made this thread on Tuesday. The “source” is a YouTube video. It was never in any news article that I could find. Compare that to the 2500+ signatures on the open letter along with those named in the suite, along with the preponderance of evidence, and I must say :musical_note: one of these things is not like the other :musical_note:.

Obviously his claim needs to be investigated and anyone found guilty or complicit needs to be punished accordingly. However, as consumers picking the least venomous snake to handle, the choice is clear.

The lawsuit news broke about a week ago… but the FF14 servers being “full” was 2 or 3 weeks ago (before the lawsuit news broke).

FF14 might be benefiting now (and probably is) but there is ample evidence to support that the exodus from WoW began long before the lawsuit news was even an issue.

In fact, people leaving now are probably actually having a hard time getting in to FF14 due to getting there too late.


It’s hilarious to me that you accuse people who just want accountability for sexual harassment and discrimination as “woke” as though those are bad things to want lol.

If anything this only had some speed over since FF will probably seem more development in the next year versus wow lol.

See this is pre court phase. haven’t even hit court and damage phase after.

Employee X,Y,Z are up on the stand next week.

Okay…X,Y,Z you come to work and sit by the conference room next few days. Lawyers have to prep you. How long boss, I got code to write. Until the lawyers say you are good on cross dude.

then comes damages. I fear since bobby rain or shine will get that say 40 million bonus like has has so far…if damages total to say 2 mil in payouts its not coming from that 40 million. It coming from a reduction in staff.

Keep the 40 million bonus, cut out 2 million in salaries to cover the setlements and legal fees.

I’d like to be wrong for this one. That’s on blizzard to make it so. Hope they make me wrong. I’d rather the dude working the mail room not get laid off to make sure bobby gets his bonus in full.

Yeah, the effects of this are going to last for years, no doubt.

I was just pointing out that the exodus to FF14 was well underway before we knew about the lawsuit, and since the servers were already pretty full, it’s hard to gauge if this has caused a lot of people to migrate.

True. For the casuals, vague as that term can be, it or other games can offer more.

I’d have been there but US SQuare hates foreign ips and my skills at reading the sticks and twigs lack to hit the japanese servers.

I’d need my wife to translate even basic stuff like account page lol. I don’t read Kanji.

ESO gives subtle whispers to try it (Zenimax/BGS are nicer IP wise to US peeps in Japan) but…I have wow time to burn off till sub lapse. Time to wait out an end of summer sale for it maybe on steam.

Once I tried and failed to understand the monetisation model I decided not to try the game. Pay subscription price, pay DLC price and pay expansion price, and I think they also had a premium pricing thing at the same time… I just couldn’t easily work it out and it all got too hard… either charge for game + sub (with a free trial on early levels as is the industry standard… heck I’ll even tolerate cosmetic microtransactions at this point) or charge just for content like the non-mmo space of game + paid DLC (until GOTY editions)… this mix and match fleecing model just turned me off the game.

Also if Game + 12 month DLC pass doesn’t include all DLC that also turns me away from the game. Its about transparency.

Its really not. And this is from someone who has played FF14, WoW, and ESO to endgame and did raids and dungeons(except raids in ESO). I very much enjoyed ESO but it has one HUGE oversight - it comes out with multiple expansions every year and they aren’t included if you pay subscription, only older expansions. Also the combat limits you to 5 skills and it feels clunky. Other then that I loved it. If you got a fat wallet tho, ESO’s constant expansions aren’t going to bother you!

I feel like this works better with the quote under the image. That way it’s looking down at it.

Still, though. +1.

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