People don't see it

Prediction: wow population will dwindle as other mmos take the spotlight. Wow wont die, it will just have low pop at some point

Despite what people are saying, WoW is still a good game. It’s not the best game, that honour goes to Master of Orion, imo, but it is still a good game. I just don’t understand why people take it so seriously.


Ah, you’re one of those “if you don’t like current content, then leave” people.

I stay because I choose to. I stay because I hope things get better.

You can still love the game, and not the current content. But I can only level so many alts and hard stop at 50.

I am keeping myself amused for now, but after 9.1 comes out and if I am still bored with SL overall, then I’ll consider that my overall feel for SL as a whole, and then decide to move on.

As with any MMO in the future. And I agree, at some point it will be a small player base left. Completely agree. Just not now I don’t believe.

And you’re wrong. Title to my post. I’m not saying leave. I’m saying why are you here if you don’t like it? If you want to stay then stay. I’m just trying to get you to see for yourself what’s keeping you here.

That’s been since vanilla my man. Also defeats your reasoning. What do you love about the game??? That’s the point I’m trying to make. Because it’s obviously keeping you still paying and interested.

Hey, if that’s what you want to do then do it. Nothing wrong with it. Nor sure what your sub is but that’s some good amusement for you to keep paying 15, 40, 70$ a sub period?

Also, if I’m correct, being amused is a form of…fun? Which would mean, you are having fun?

I mean I read through the whole wall of text and even then I still don’t think any of that negates the criticism of the game itself. 15 years for sure is an impressive run time but just like Terenas Menethil II said to his son Arthas…

Am I going to sit here and make claims that FFXIV has more subs than WoW does? Nope. But what I can recognize is the difference between the relationship WoW Devs have with the players compared to FFXIVs. Players are slowly but surely gravitating towards FFXIV. We’re not really seeing the opposite happening. And that’s from a game that apparently had a horrendous launch.

Like I said, I’m not going to make claims on whichever MMO is going to surpass WoW. But if that does eventually end up happening in the next few years, I can’t say that I would be surprised.

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And I agree with the last part of your post. It won’t last forever. Pretty sure I wasn’t saying it would. It’ll die off like others. But my point I’m making is that the track of this game is still strong and for how old it is, its still going. Just not dying or dead now or in a year or two. It is coming though. Just not now. It still keeps the interest of people playing, even those that say it’s dead…and yet they are still here.

WoW has changed a lot since the old days, but it being different doesn’t mean it’s not good anymore. It’s just… good for a more specific audience.

People just need to move on if it’s not the right game for them. Not to ‘show blizzard’ or anything, but just because, well, this is what WoW is now.

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And you have a lot of friends ( insert demographic here)

Its not dead, but it’s not in the healthy state…

The ptr would prove you wrong

After reading all the other stuff you wrote

I have a hard time believing this

You’re so desperate to make whatever point you think you have, you’re ignoring my replies. I’ve already explained why I am still here. What your opinion of my reasonings is irrelevant.

It hasn’t been “since vanilla”. I have loved some part of every expansion since I started playing. I like some aspects of Shadowlands. Just not as much as others.

Again, I already said I was having fun leveling alts. For now. That only lasts so long before I get bored of doing that.

I also said that if 9.1 doesn’t respark my interest in Shadowlands, then it’ll be clear at least for me and my opinion of current content, it won’t be worth me sticking around if I won’t enjoy this expansion. I am holding out for hope that won’t be the case.

Curious how I am ignoring you’re replies while quoting you exactly? lol

It was a guess. That’s why I said I don’t know after “telling us”

I explained that as well. You really need to read all the things.

Why out of the sudden there’s alot of toxic positivity and every attempt to literally negate any sort of issues that absolute anyone can see by now? is it because the final fantasy andys and their constant agenda? back before things werent like this but now I see more of this threads: “game is fine you’re wrong” it’s not how it works.

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How is it toxic positivity? I didn’t say the game was perfect or just fine. I said it isn’t counted out just yet.

I find it interesting that ever since Bellular did his video on toxic positivity that now everyone who defends the game is now associated as such? Can people move beyond labels and think for themselves? Stop letting youtubers dictate how you should feel or think. Especially Bellular. I agree with his videos for and against the game. But man, you people who use it as a bible really need to do some self reflecting.

Judging by the answers you have been giving you’re dodging a bunch of things. The game has to be counted out for this dev’s to wake up and open their eyes.

It has to happen.

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I know I’ve been here because watching the direction of the game go as far as it has just hurts to see. I wanted to put in the time and effort to give feedback on several different areas of the game that has changed drastically in the hopes that they would listen and understand many different issues and start making fixes to improve the experience for everyone. Only for them to essentially just take that feedback from the Alpha, toss it into the well and continue in the vision they see for the game.

I used to enjoy WoW extensively but with each passing day have just found my reasons to log on become shorter as the list of chores I have to do each week to stay relevant have gotten longer and longer.

I clocked out after the first patch of BFA. Came back when it was a free week to see if things improved and to me, quite the opposite and then left again for the remainder. I wanted to give SL a chance and came back for PvP only to find that there are blatant issues that have yet to be address and to some of the problems being doubled down on in 9.1.

So now, I have 4 days left on my sub and once it’s up, I don’t have any intentions of coming back.

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Yep same boat


Hey thats fine, if yall are done then okay. Hope yall have a better experience in another game! If you come back then something about the game still draws you back. It’s happened to me multiple times.

I fear there are many MANY more people like you around. I am becoming one of them.

People that WANTED to come back. Wanted to love SL, but Blizzard just doesn’t seem to want to make a game WE want to play. They seem more concerned about making a game THEY want to make.


Here is a weird idea that used to be the norm for many of us. Businesses earned our support by building a good product and treating us with respect. We as consumers, stuck by companies as they made mis-steps (as all companies do). It’s called brand loyalty.

The entire premise of this is that when we find a company that produces more content we like than content we dont, we hold out hope they will do well again because once we decide they dont, we usually never come back.

Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, MoP, Legion and even the Alliance leveling side of BFA was good for me. More good than bad so I am keeping myself occupied in old world (I bought a 6 month sub) but I am starting FFXIV again.

I dont see anything in 9.1 I care about. If all I have is more old content I have no reason to stick it out. If they do actually redeem Sylvanas the bad times outweigh the good and my loyalty might just be used up.

That’s not how it works at all.