People don't see it

Now, before I begin…no I am not a Blizzard shill or a WoW fanatic. I’ve probably quit this game more times than how old the babies are now that were born when it first came out in 2004. Yet, here I am, back again.

People say WoW is dead or dying. I don’t think so. Stagnant, maybe, but it could be because they are shoving as much content in 9.1 that they aren’t telling us? I don’t know. But needless to say I do agree that I have seen some downturns in WoW. Every single expansion. People have said WoW was dead or dying even when it was at its peak in Wrath and even before then.

I’ve seen it all. They said WoW was dying before the original TBC expansion came out. Before AQ opened its gates and before Naxx was floating in the Plaguelands…

It isn’t new. Especially those that complain about classes being unbalanced. Guess what, they’ve never been balanced. EVER. You will never have a balanced class system. Not going to happen because no one is ever satisfied. However, I digress.

Back to the point. Before WoW, there was Everquest and Ultima Online. Basically the original MMOs. WoW came on the scene and blew everyone out of the water. They have been a powerhouse since. Don’t believe me?

What other MMO do you know, re-releases their “classic” parts of the game and new and old people from the retail actually pay to go play it and play the retail as well? Me personally, I’m not playing the “classic” WoW versions…why? I’ve already been through it. Great as it was, there are still quality of life improvements that were made throughout the years that I’ve gotten used to.

Nostalgia is just that, nostalgia. I can understand new people wanting to see how it was back then. Hopefully it improved their opinion of the game? I don’t know. But to each their own.

But WoW is far from dead. If you think FF14 is going to be the killer or all of these other MMOs, then you’re sadly mistaken. For ALOT of people, WoW is home and where memories were made.

I was 19 when I started playing WoW. I am 36 now, with a career and a family of my own. I am sure others have the same experience. Some have even got their kids in this game. A 17 year old game that to this day is still making waves and in the news regardless of whether it’s positive or negative. People still are getting emotional and passionate about the direction of where it goes whether in lore or system or patches etc.

What other MMO can boast this? Others have come and gone and yet WoW is still on stage. I do agree that Activision getting there tendrils in Blizzard at the time of Wrath in 2008 was, in hindsight, a bad decision…we all thought it was great. How wrong we were. BUT even with that negative…it’s still a major powerhouse and you can’t deny it.

Blizzard created a beast of an MMO that has almost, ALMOST stood in the spotlight for 20 years. 20 years! Again, what other MMO can boast that?

Inc b4 the “okay boomer”, “you don’t know what you’re talking about”, “Cool story bro”, yada yada yada. Mark my words, it will surpass 20 years and longer and still be on stage. Now maybe won’t be as big as when Wrath was around but who knows, maybe they will finally get back to those numbers again.

For those who put alot of weight on what, Bellular, Asmon (Zack), or any of these other YouTubers think about WoW, then I feel sorry for you. Think for yourself. Just because they are trying a different MMO, doesn’t mean anything. They could like it or not. Whooptydoo! I did the same thing over the years and yet…here I am…back again. WoW is a home now. Oddly enough people are bring their kids into it as well and showing them. I mean come on, people are worried that Bellular is playing FF14 and yet in another video he is talking about having fomo for WoW? Dude isn’t leaving lol and if he does, it’s temporary. Asmon, the same way, he will never leave. He will stay until the last server shutdown, I believe.

This may seem like a wall of text but it’s what my opinion is and how I feel about it. If you don’t like it then that’s fine. If you do then that’s fine as well. But you can’t deny the track record of this game. If you have such complaints about the game and constantly feel disappointed…why are you still here? Really ask yourself that. Such a drive to criticize and complain about this game that you either dislike or even hate so much but yet you still are paying to play. Even if you leave you still came back. Really think about that. They mustve gotten something right.

TLDR: People don’t see it. WoW is still a major player. Don’t count it out.


People said wow was dead or dying in wrath when i started too

Addicts gonna addict


It must be good if it makes you an addict lol


I am more concerned by people who think that WoW not having more players than X mmo somehow means the game is dead.

I don’t think people can really grasp how many people play the big mmos right now, or have even played an mmo with less. There are mmos out with less than half of the projected subs of FFXIV still making content and chugging along.

That’s why discussions about WoW “dying” and being “dethroned” are not helpful. Those are cosmetics of success.

Real topics are on why so many people are currently unhappy, and how Blizzard’s lack of transparency and communication is destroying an already damaged trust in the company. Who gives a :poop: about sub numbers? We want quality content again.

Not really alcohol is addictive and it’s literally poison

People rage playing a game they hate isn’t helathy

Odd how they hate it so much and rage but yet…keep playing it? Hmmm, something is keeping them here. Wonder what it could be? I mean, if it’s that bad…quit or leave and go to another game? Take a break? Either way, no one is forcing them to be here. So why stay if it’s truly that bad?

Everquest is still going too, not as strong as it was back in 2002-3, but it is still putting out expansions and people still play it, albeit not many, but the fact remains, Everquest is still being played. WoW is not dying, but it is soulless.

Semper Fi! :us:


It’s called dopamine bud it causes animals to repeat activities

It’s literally a biological reaction in their brain

That’s why they hate it and can’t stop playing their brain needs that hit of dopamine from gear drops etc

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People said wow was a dead game on the forums and said ‘i feel so sorry for you as a nw player’ when I started at the end of 8.2.5. ironically I loved it!


Glad you enjoy it! Don’t let the nay sayers bring ya down. Form your own opinion and go from there. As an old vanilla vet, welcome to WoW! Even if it is alittle belated. Glad you’re having fun.

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I feel old in WoW! Approaching 2 years now but given how old the game is now it’s like nothing :joy:. Passage of time goes by so quick


As the old saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun!”


Everquest does. Its so popular in fact, they release a new TLP server or two every year. They claim it has pretty much turned the game around and may actually help it get a new version.

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If you follow the sub numbers, then all the people who said WoW is dying were right. For most of them it was. Blizzard stopped releasing numbers a few years back because it was getting embarrassing, but already by then the game was down to about 25% of its maximum playerbase.

They’ll keep the servers on as long as they keep bringing in money, but it’s clear they’ve already started pulling resources from the game due to it being on the tail end of its lifecycle. The community managers are essentially gone, the content is coming at a trickle and then only teams with funding seem to be the marketers.

Somewhat hilariously, even the lore acknowledges the game is mostly dead. We literally ran out of living villains to kill (or resurrect, see: Illidan, ArchimondeV2, KiljaedenV2, Kael’ThasV3, etc.) and have started hunting down old villains in the afterlife. Their newest bits of lore (Jailer, Primus, Covenants, Night Hunter) are pretty much all falling flat (except perhaps the Winter Queen, which some people seem to legit enjoy).


Didn’t they make an EQ2? That flopped?

Both are still alive and kicking. Both do time locked progression servers that start at the original game and progress through the expansion like every 3 months.

Some just prefer the original. I just prefer the original pre-Luclin.

true story. EQ2 catered to hardcore with high end system and was launched a month before WoW. WoW catered to casuals who really didnt care about PvP or raiding or being forced to group up.

WoW won over EQ2 because it was the opposite of everything it pushes today.

no kidding! I’ve been playing at least 10 years now (well, off and on)


A refrigerator doesnt go over the first time. You have to rock it back and forth a few times, then push it on over - Jerry Seinfeld.
This game WILL end sooner or later.
The only question is if it will end due to the stupidity and arrogance of those in charge…or if it’ll be allowed to run a full life and die of old age.

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Huh…yeah…imagine that…loving OLD content so much so keep playing it while HATING CURRENT content so much that you stop playing it and screech in here about it sucking so hard.


Every xpac had naysayers saying wow is dead. It waxes and wanes but never fully dies. I honestly don’t know how anyone can say there’s nothing to do I could collect , partake , and play until I die and still not finish what I want to finish. MOST of which are the people that hurry hurry hurry pay for carry to max level then pay for carries to end game content sure ur gonna be bored ffs. I’ve had a sub since launch… For the most part of the entire time , I logged in at least once a day for a few mins. My time played is embarrassing . Do i get frustrated? Yea. Especially now. When SL launched a higher quality pc/video card was required. So now blizz cant fall back on the *but the updates will make it impossible for people to play * excuse. Spend some time giving us little things. Some of us who have played a while have all the holiday stuff …is it really going to kill someone to slap a new skin on a pet for anniversaries , holidays . ? And why am I here? I’m addicted.

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