People don't see it

yeah, dont confuse them with the facts, lol.
If this were our local college football team and we had this kind of performance, coaches would be being dismissed left and right, lol.
12 million subs at a point, many millions lost very quickly…and somehow we claim this game isnt on life support? lol.

Like we don’t NOTICE that the buy 6 months get a free mount things fall during the most important quarters?

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yeah…kinda like how every two years I get those annoying ads and recruiters around making empty promises for my vote :laughing:…then they never deliver either.

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So why are you still here then? What keeps you? You can leave at any point though. Legitimately asking.

Same question.

Videos games are poison if you consider what else we could be doing with our time.

No well adjusted person would continue to subject themselves to a source of entertainment that they do not like. Anyone who does this should really step back from the computer screen and figure out what the deal is, possibly seeking advice from an outside source.

Except for the fact that you can’t.

Numbers were never meant for anyone except investors. If you knew anything about their financial report that is laid out for investors you’d know that “dropping sub numbers” had nothing to do with it. They could have had 50 million subs and they wouldn’t be reported anymore.

This has been a thing since forever. It’s a shame we don’t have access to all the old forums and threads. Players have always raged about every single current expansion and why it’s the worst thing to happen to WoW. Players raged about those “good expansions” on the forum when they were current. Players hated MoP, players hated WotLK, players hated Legion, and so on. There hasn’t been a single current expansion that the overall forum praised. Next expansion, mark my words, players will rage about that expansion and praise this one.

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read much?

guess not…

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uh huh.
12 million subs down to so shameful a low that they tucked tail and stopped releasing the numbers, Yesuna.
You can defend this crap all you want…Im ONLY interested in hard numbers and fact.

Man, you seem really bitter. You’re replies to posts give it away. If you don’t like it then leave? Otherwise, why stay? Thats my point.

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Funny story. this guy was my 2nd or 3rd Alliance alt ( I main’d Horde back then) and had him since Wrath. For whatever reason, he had a bunch of reps max’d and I got back into DKs a bit ago so I have been going back and trying to consolidate everything I had done on other toons on to this guy.

Kinda retroactively make him my main.

So yeah, most of what I do is old content, even if it is faceroll. I dont need anymore challenges in my life, I play for fun now (which is collections and filling bars)

That was 13 years ago. I’m not sure why this is even a talking point, tbh. This genre isn’t nearly as popular as it once was. Many gamers want instant gratification, which is why games like Fortnite and CoD are so popular. We can also see this trend on the forum with all the crying about wanting stuff handed to us instead of having to grind and work for it.

Well, that’s not possible since there are no solid numbers released. Many players throw the number thing up, but I’m not sure why it would matter anyway? None of us played with 12 million players. None of us ever saw that many players since we are split up in factions and servers. Anyone who wants to find players to play with is more than able to do so. This game isn’t dead.


I’m not really concerned at all. I have my gripes but I enjoy the game. Not that big of a deal. The forums make everything a big deal.


Pretty sure we had about 8-10 million more players during wrath.

It’s pretty healthy for a game to lose 80-90% of your customer base over time though.

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Hit the nail on the head.

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Sorry, but this is a nonsense post. The game is in a bad place now. Everyone knows it. Saying that people always say that doesn’t make it not true currently.

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So my post still stands…why are you here then? What’s keeping you still paying the sub?

Louder for those in the back who aren’t listening please.

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Hope that 9.1 will be better.


Atleast you give an honest answer compared to the people who are cynical and just troll forums to bring their bitterness to others.

I can respect that decision of yours. And it is highly understandable. But let’s go deeper. Why are you hoping 9.1 will be better? What is it that brings that hope?

What have you experienced in this 17 year old game that built that hope up for the next patch?

Fun. I used to experience it in current content of WoW. I hope to again in 9.1.

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As did we all and alot still do. Fun is subjective to the individual. What’s fun for you may not be fun for others. However, WoW brought you fun and many others so that means, for a 17 year old game, they satisfied a huge player base across the board. And still do to a degree.

But if you are hoping that 9.1 is better for fun sake, and by your post I assume you’re no longer having fun, then why are you still playing?

If you’re playing not for fun in the meantime then why subject yourself to paying and playing a game that’s no longer fun to you?

Unless you are having fun elsewhere in the game?