People don't bother learning how to play anymore

It’s 3 fold.

  1. allows mythic raiders to more easily gear their alts for the next raid tier.

  2. gives heroic raiders still struggling to kill Ghuun (def still out there) extra loot to overpower the fight prior to aotc being removed.

  3. provides a very slow trickle of gear for players who just putz around if they keep playing the entire raid tier.

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I mean If you have 10 stacks of reorigination and still cant down HGhuun then no amount of gear will help you…

That is not true. One of my guilds just down him after the 5% hp reduction.

Yeah, it’s all relative though.

I mean mythic Ghuun was killedat 371 with 2 stacks.

Are all those normal mythic guilds who kill it at 383ish with 10 stack a just awful by comparison? Also post multiple nerfs?

Or what about guilds that took 3 waves of nerfs and 385 to kill fetid when he was killed at 365?

The fact is at any given time in the skill spectrum there are guilds still progressing regardless what the gear allows better players to do.

I don’t understand the point of this. It’s not why LFR fails that boss. Hell, the second beam straight-up sets him to 25% health in LFR, so nerfing his health by 5% barely even affects the one phase where your DPS actually matters.

The nerf is obviously aimed at mythic, and to a much lesser extent heroic, for those trying for CE/AoTC.

Oh, that makes more sense. Yeah that’s a pretty standard end-of-tier nerf.


Its dumb that they nerfd him by 5% … they just handing out AOTC and CE now… If you cant beat the content you shouldnt get the achievement plain n simple… but once again they are dumbing down stuff so people don’t get triggered .


Did you make the same comment back when they changed it so you could now use abilities with the orb in mythic?

Or the boil nerf?

Or the other dozen mythic nerfs to the raid that make the version most people clear nothing like the version the top guilds clear?

It’s not about being triggered, it’s to let a few more people get their yuks in before it becomes obsolete and nobody wants to run it anymore at all. People who’ve already made decent Mythic progress pretty much don’t care – they know they did it when it was harder, and the people who do it when it was easier respect that.

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They sure don’t. Even low level dungeons.

When told to read the In-game Guide “I don’t have time to read it”

Then they wonder why IO exists.


You sound triggered.


This game has ALWAYS been accessible to all, but not everything in the game is.

I’m giving up on this thread because people are deliberately misinterpreting things just so they can argue. (And I’m not only talking about my posts.)

AOTC and CE are a feat of strength …kinda takes the whole purpose out of getting it when you nerf the content for more people to get it last min…

What is the logic in that?

I’m not sure either, the 5% translates to a 1% nerf for the last phase, which is funny since the hardest part of that phase is the shear amount of positions rather the ability to straight up nuke the boss.

I think that’s the point they were making though. The game is accessible to all, but people complete access to things in the game that they need to would never achieve.

I’m running into this first hand. Starting gearing up this alt tanking, and inviting 375’s to 380’s into my M+ Keys. Their pulling abysmally low DPS numbers, face pulling mobs, dying to stupid stuff, and pulling extra mobs while raging at me the tank when I call them out on it.

Gear dont mean nothing anymore. In the old days you can equate gear to skill. Now a days a 380 player can be a potato that pull 8-10kdps or a hero then pulls 14-17kdps. You just dont know.

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Brahmina: good lord. Another familiar face returns.

I still remember your painstaking work back in the 7.3.5 testing. :grinning:

Not a big deal.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t share your opinion of just how prestigious those achieves are.

A few more groups getting them and being happy before the next raid comes out is a good thing.

If you are hellbent on bragging about your own achieve feel free to point people towards the date on it.


it’s not like some inexperienced 20 man pug in warfront gear is going to waltz in and knock over mythic ghuun with a 5% nerf.

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