Yes, it is pvp, but do you personally take satisfaction on killing people that cannot defend themselves. Just trying to find your motivation here via discussion.
I disagree, Blizzard did not make that decision for you. They are not at fault for how successful classic wow has become.
I have a total of 28 kills since the launch of the honor system I dont go out of my way to kill people its just something that happens, I am not even that good at pvp nor do I plan on getting very high in the ranks( I dont even have a rank at this point in time), I like PvP servers because at any moment some one can come and stop me from doing what ever it was I was planing it adds a bit of danger to the world at any moment I could die …and do a lot …again I am terrible at pvp but I am a bit of a masochist
Thats not to bad. I guess what I am trying to get to, and I understand pvp servers and pve servers. What I am saying is there could possibly be a better way to increase the amount of pvp’rs. I think many more people would pvp if they did not really get humiliated. I am not saying you do this, just in general. People get corpse camped until they basically have to log out. If there was a different way that they could go about not getting corpse camped and still play the game by being able to move on or leave the battle to go somewhere else, or level somewhere else, then that would not be a bad thing. Humiliation is a real thing in gaming, and some people can handle it, others cannot, and they leave. I would hope people would want to increase the pvp population instead of driving people away. I do not mean to pinpoint you in this, just am having a conversation. Thanks.
That’s not what he asked. He asked you if you think it’s GOOD pvp. The answer to that is simple. It’s not. It doesn’t take any skill to kill someone who is unbuffed and already half dead. It’s only fun if you get your rocks off on making someone else miserable enough to ragequit.
And seeing as you are undead, there’s a 60% chance you are exactly the sort of person who is into that.
You can literately do this on a PVE server…
Then they had no business on a pvp server in the first place, cant handle the heat dont go in the kitchen …or something like that.
Giving people and option to opt out of world pvp would not increase the amount of pvp’rs it would increase the amount of people who dont like pvp on a pvp server …I dont understand people who dont like world pvp but roll on a pvp server, ESPECIALLY since blizzard has given you an option, on a pve server if you want the feeling of that danger but want to turn it off some times you can toggle your pvp status, you can run around flagged for pvp, and people can at any moment attack you …but then you have had enough and just want to quest again you can un flag, I would have sympathy for these people complaining if that wasn’t an option …but it is …So I dont.
I think you are missing my point, but thats ok. Have a good day.
Regardless if it’s good or not it is still what PVP servers involve. There are good pvp situations and ones that are not. The good as well as the bad. Some bad situations have always been in wow and in vanilla just like griefing/camping. It’s not nothing new the only difference now is the scale of players. While most horde are out and about farming for the new pvp system the alliance are (or seem to me) more pve oriented group. Sitting in town doing nothing and not even advertising in LFG chat or anything about forming pvp groups. They are not even trying and I feel that is also a problem. It isn’t just one thing imo it is a collection of other things resulting to this. Alliance continue to just snail into places 1 by 1 and continue to be dominated for it.
and seeing as your a person who dont even have a classic toon…or you to scared to even post on it nothing you say matters.
Not sure why it matters, but here’s my classic toon. Swapping between characters just to post here seems unnecessary.
I think the forums should be locked to each game IE retail toons can only post on retail forums and classic on classic… you know like all their other games.
He sounds like he doesn’t understand the difference between being friendly and being a friend, tbh.
Anecdotes don’t prepare you for the real thing, and the fact that blizzard made pvp servers pve for 2 months was a disastrous idea.
Your fault for not believing. The schedule was pre-released. Luckily there are pve servers you can play on, or play an alt until BG’s, or just take a break.
This is how games were back then. A new game, no one knew what was going to happen. Imagine rolling a class and getting to 60, then find out you aren’t needed in dungeons.
Not everything is/can/should be mapped out in minute detail. Some things will be learned and unexpected.
So why are you ok with rerolling but not transfers? just to be pointlessly toxic?
That wasnt directed toward me, but ill answer anyway.
People, like myself, that played on pvp servers during vanilla warned everyone that it was not going to be a good time. We made it abundantly clear, that when battle grounds were released that there was no reason at all to be on a pvp server and a whole lot of headaches if you were on one.
But you all “knew better”… you ignored the wisdom of those who came before you, and now you can sleep in the bed you made for yourself. You were warned and you chose to ignore that warning. So no…there is no sympathy for you.
There’s nothing really telling you what wpvp is actually like, and 15 year old anecdotal evidence varies wildly even now.
15 year old evidence still holds true.
Horde is preferred due to racials on PvP servers. Honor means more WPvP. Honorable players are uncommon. Choke points are easily camped.
I played in vanilla and I didn’t even have to look this stuff up, I actually remember it. It was so well-known that, 15 years later, I remember these things. And I PvE.
You’re making excuses. If you have PvP servers, reroll on a PvE server. And if you even think about complaining about the “work” you put into your existing character you are either ignoring the fact this is a game and meant to be, you know, played or you’re intentionally missing the point. I can find a group at almost any level range Allianceside on my server in under 10 minutes. As DPS.
How long are people gonna stick around watching or playing a 1 sided game before they decide to walk away?
You’re still here.
Seriously though, genX is still under the boomer umbrella if they hold similar views. It’s not necessarily specific to the boomer age group.
With respect, I find this very deeply offensive. Nobody hates boomers more than gen x.
Part of what made vanilla wow so good was the idea that your choices were important. Every decision you made in character creation - server, faction, race, class, appearance, and name, were permanent.
Compared to other mmorpgs, wow was seen as the carebear mmorpg. It’s really hard for me to take your point seriously, because it wasn’t all. Even in vanilla you could server transfer and change your name, often at the same time by creating a char with the same name on the new server.
Maybe compared to retail, but vanilla was extraordinarily forgiving for its era.
Killing players while questing is necessary. We’re competing for resources, the losers get nothing and the winners complete the quest faster. Red is dead.
Your fault for not believing. The schedule was pre-released. Luckily there are pve servers you can play on, or play an alt until BG’s, or just take a break.
But you all “knew better”… you ignored the wisdom of those who came before you, and now you can sleep in the bed you made for yourself. You were warned and you chose to ignore that warning. So no…there is no sympathy for you.
You’re making excuses. If you have PvP servers, reroll on a PvE server. And if you even think about complaining about the “work” you put into your existing character you are either ignoring the fact this is a game and meant to be, you know, played or you’re intentionally missing the point. I can find a group at almost any level range Allianceside on my server in under 10 minutes. As DPS.
It’s actually amazing how many people read something and make a ton of assumptions to fit their narrative on a subject.
First off, i’m a hardcore pvper, it’s the only content i generally consume/look for in games. I love wpvp, and while i’ve enjoyed classic/vanilla’s pvp, but it’s also not nearly punishing/expansive enough for my personal tastes. However, those are my PERSONAL tastes.
One thing that made vanilla so successful is that it didn’t cater to the hardcore players, it catered to the casuals. And that’s ultimately what WoW is and how they’ve overwhelmingly beaten the market. In recent years blizzard has tried (and so far unsuccessfully) to turn certain aspects into an esport because there’s actually money in those hardcore types beyond subscriptions (while also trying to separate their casual players), but that was never the case in vanilla. Vanilla was always built and designed around the average player.
My proposal to have pvp to pve server transfers is the EXACT solution the vanilla team had for this type of problem. It’s also why pvp servers were considered unpopular at the time. The simple fact is that not everyone enjoys it. There’s a number of reasons why this is the case, and why they tried these type of servers in the first place.
One is that they THOUGHT they would enjoy it, but the reality was different.
Two is that they just followed/got coerced by their friends.
Three is that they did enjoy it but find themselves gravitating more towards pve.
Four is that they didn’t read forums (and honestly these forums are not a great place for helping new players) nor have past experience and they were wholly unprepared for what was in store.
Five is they fell victim to the glorified stories everyone was telling about pvp servers, while conveniently leaving out all the bad parts.
I could go on, but there’s plenty of LEGITIMATE reasons why people could have joined a PvP server and find themselves now regretting it.
As much as I love PvP type servers, they aren’t for everyone, in fact the vast majority of people don’t like them. And so if I want other people to respect my interests in how I play WoW (which is important if you want to be taken seriously in any way), I should respect theirs in kind. We have differences of opinion, but neither is the “correct way”
If they are on MY server and hate it, I don’t want them there either. They aren’t participating in wpvp and are therefore worthless to me. If the IDEAL solution is for them to transfer to PvE servers, then we should make that happen. Anything less than that is simply you trying to force your preferences on others. That’s not how that works in any facet of life. You guys honestly sound like abusive partners, who won’t let them leave because you think they deserve their beatings.
If you also don’t think that being a pseudo PvE server for 2 months didn’t have a dramatic effect on enticing pve players onto pvp servers and keeping them there for far longer than they should ever have been, then you’re just being willfully ignorant, even more so then the pve players who thought wpvp was just going to be a respectful back and forth tug of war.
Some things just have to be experienced. wPvP is one of them. You’ll either love it or hate it, but blizzard allowing people to invest two months of their classic experience before truly allowing people to do so is why we are at where we are. I knew this from day 1, and the rest of you pvp server types should have too.
Frankly, it was a trap.