I disagree, not at least for picking the wrong type of server. It is a game, games are designed to entertain. Classic is an experiment in recreating some of the feel of the original. Letting people make a one-time transfer to a different type of server would, I believe, encourage them to experience all of the original game.
GD is short attention span theatre.
Save the long winded stuff for the class forums. Oh wait, the powers that be removed them.
Imagine not realizing PVP was going to happen on a PVP server.
Every one keeps bringing up this basketball or base ball analogy but its a warzone not a foot ball field, The battleground are more like the foot ball field then anything. many wars were fought with lop sided sides. small numbers clashing up against larger numbers, History is full of battles like this world pvp is like that not a f’ing foot ball field. saying world pvp is like a sports game is a stupid a* analogy.
Sorry. Is not my fault you didnt got it .
Let me explain this way again.
Back in Vanilla were 5 k players/server. Now split these lets say in 3.5 k horde vs 1.5 k Alliance… Do some math and cut some horde from 3.5 because they are at work…or on alts…or in instances. Lets say there are 2k horde doing world pvp.
Now bring this math over to Classic where we dont have 5 k players servers but mega servers 20 k + players. The Problem is the "WORLD aka MAP is the same. YOU GOT 15 K horde roaming around on maps intended for 2-3k horde players.
I hope you got it now.
Yes I think I do
I can agree with most of this, but not all of it. It is indeed a game, this is not real life. In the game people are able to resurrect. In the battlefield of war the battle would end at some time. Res killing and killing of children and civilians would end up as war crimes. There really is no punishment for doing this in game, at least to an honest extent. I hate layering but this is one instance where layering could be good. I would have made it where once you where killed you would be put on another layer with a time debuff. Then you could continue questing or what ever until the debuff would end. This would allow for players trying to progress would be able to, and the battles would not have res killing over and over.
Oooh I see… If you really thought this after my reply to you know I see your IQ is non existent. See you on your next post when you will cry like a baby about Very long HORDE QUEUES.
Enjoy your mega servers.
Way to argue about something without really making any point at all. War is also involuntary for the people fighting, so that analogy is out. How long are people gonna stick around watching or playing a 1 sided game before they decide to walk away?
We get that wpvp is inherently going to be unfair on a micro level since you will always lean to picking fights you can win, but on the macro level it could benefit from some balancing.
Grow up, man. I am amazed at how on this forum the users able to post links, images and videos are of the likes of this person.

I would have made it where once you where killed you would be put on another layer with a time debuff.
yeah because that couldn’t be exploited at all
Ya, I agree with that, but it would be something to consider. No layer invites, and maybe a 10 min timer or something. I dunno, just spitballing.

Way to argue about something without really making any point at all.
My point was its a stupid f’ing analogy

but it would be something to consider.
No it wouldn’t.

just spitballing.
Here is a novel idea if people dont like to be ganked in the open world they can roll on servers were it dont happen we can call them PvE servers
I was taking into your statement that it is like war. Not the server type. Getting back to the layering, it could be just 30 seconds, enough to hearth or get out of the area before getting camped.

before getting camped.
again pve servers they are a thing you can get camped or ganked on your own terms when you have had enough you can opt out.

again pve servers they are a thing you can get camped or ganked on your own terms when you have had enough you can opt out.
I understand that is one solution. Can I ask you this, do you think res killing is good pvp?

do you think res killing is good pvp?
I think it is pvp. I have been rez killed many times I still consider it pvp, because its pvp, pvp= player versus player …no where in that do I see anything about fairness or anything it is what it is, its a way of life on a pvp server
I think the PvE -> PvP restriction was lifted in 2008. But yes, I believe you are correct!
I am correct because i was on black dragonflight ;D