Because people have potentially weeks of /played on characters, and starting over the exact same character isn’t as viable as you make it sound. There’s no reason not to let them transfer. Forcing them to reroll is neither practical nor beneficial to anyone involved.
This sounds exactly like how Legion started!
I dont think I’ve seen a horde poster who actually gets it until now.
I started playing about 1 year into vanilla on a medium pop server. It was nothing like this. You did get mc’d off boats, menethil, brd, wpl, epl, were camped. But it wasnt full time like it is now.
Im actually having a good time on Kirtonos (60% H 40%A) now that I have no need to level or run dungeons.
I have two level 60’s and have faced the death gauntlet at BRD many times. I feel bad for the more casual who didnt get to 60 in time.
Overfilled servers are a change. This is undebateable. If Valek wants to sit there stroking his pvpness while squashing fleeing bugs an underpopulated realm (100% sure hes not brave enough to face Heartseeker) no one is going to change his mind.
Yeah you did know what you signed up for. You can join the United States Army and play in a marching band the whole time, but you still are required to grab a weapon and sit in a dirty foxhole.
It’s like these people want PVP on training wheels.
I have no problem with Blizz eventually doing that, but to whine and threaten leaving unless their demands are met to have it done now, instead of simply leveling on their prefered server until it happens and then moving their toons over is the mindset of retail players who have always been catered to.
We’ve been down that road haven’t we?!
Blizz laid out their plans for Classic long ago, being uninformed is not Blizz’s responsibility.
This actually sums up the problem quite nicely.
“long as you pay blizzard, it’s okay, if you don’t pay blizzard, nah you didn’t “Learn” enough”
Yeah, you don’t sound out of touch at all.
I understand the tone of many players comes across as ‘whining,’ there are many reasonable people with legitimate complaints. It’s akin to the whole ‘retail baby’ crap.
Anyhoo, what would servers look like if players could freely transfer?
Ark and Rust would like to have a word with you…wPvP daily for at least the last few years. 40k Daily players each game.
I think they would be 90/10
Alliance would flee servers and all try to go to heartseeker.
People dont want 50/50 balance…they want to have the advantage.
2k-3k horde transfer to Heartseeker and you would have the most balanced server. but people wont cause they enjoy that 80/20
I see people Tbag alliance as 15horde kill one lone alliance… Kinda pathetic
I guess I should have explained what I meant by faction queues. Not allowing players to create characters unless the same amount of players are on the opposing faction. However, they could create a character on the faction of their choosing on another more balanced server.
I beg to differ. Hence why his posts have more ‘hearts’. Most of us are just lurking…
Transfers should only be PvP-to-PvP realms and PvE-to-PvE realms.
I’m not very good, I’m not ‘hardcore’ or anything, but I’ve always rathered either balance or to be on the minority faction. I think in cases like this, a somewhat mob mentality develops whereby players, as you say, would inadvertently and probably with little intention completely destroy servers if given the opportunity to transfer freely.
Why does WPvP have to be the wild west? Why is the expectation that it is ruleless? Mechanics, surely, can be implemented to help stabilize realms. It may be too late in the game, however.
Too bad for them. Most people didn’t know what they signed up for in vanilla. Their only option was to reroll or deal with it. I dealt with it back then, as I didn’t know what I signed up for and eventually learned to enjoy it.
that’s not really an mmorpg, those servers have very limited player sizes.
Anyone that argues against this is delusional, and just enjoys curb stomping on their dominate faction.
Vanilla was not even close to anything like this, only any realm - and anyone who disagrees both A.) Didn’t play, and B.) should see a therapist.
Ark though 100+ per server but each server is only one part of a cluster. One cluster is same size as WoW if not bigger. You can go between the servers when ever you want thru ingame mechanics. Ark also has both PvE more inline with old EQ meaning none instanced dungeons and ability to loose gear. Only real difference is Ark uses real time instead of a d&d ruleset. Ark even has talents and progression system. Rust though I can agree more with your statement but is super heavy PvP focused even more then Ark. But Rust can have wPvP events that dwarf WoW wPvP.