People weren’t flagged for PvP on a PvP server? How did Blizz make them PvE servers, exactly?
Or are you talking about the fact that people weren’t killing anyone else because there was nothing to be gained by it? Did you NOT KNOW that with the implementation of “honor” points, this would then become a gankfest of massive proportions?
Human nature is what it is… you can’t expect mercy when something is to be gained from being ruthless when pixellated characters are at stake.
As for what’s-his-face, Pags? Um… no. LOL you are hilarious. I love watching you cry…
This is irrelevant to everyone who IS 60 and now hates wpvp.
Anecdotes don’t prepare you for the real thing, and the fact that blizzard made pvp servers pve for 2 months was a disastrous idea.
I agree. i have unsubbed. I assumed phases would last longer than they have. They are too short for me and the pace of content release has diminished my interest.
If I knew from the beginning the release schedule maybe I wouldn’t have played in the first place or maybe my expectations would have been set and I would have still played.
But for now I’m out. I am still hoping they can get a more streamlined or paced phased release worked out when they start launching FRESH servers in a year or so.
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letting players flee to pve will only make pvp servers worse, instead what we need is faction changes to address the imbalance but only from the dominant faction to the less populated one.
Okay, thank you for your reply. However, you being killed by ONE alliance player does not equate to being killed over and over and over for hours on end. Camped at every single flightpath. Every single harbor and camped at spirit rez.
It is going to get to a point, where new players or even old players wont be able to level at all in the under represented faction. That will eventually lead to an even bigger imbalance and the eventual death of PVP at all.
This is a problem whether you want to admit it or not. If enough people don’t like something, whether wrong or right, it will bring about change, liked or not.
I never played Vanilla, but for those whom claim this is classic and thus the vanilla experience, I don’t see how its the same because this is years later. Players have MUCH more experience, addons that did not exist when the game launched or for years later.
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PvP happened all the time while leveling. You build grudges against specific players that gank you and it’s all good and fun because eventually you get them back or vice versa. That’s what you expect from PvP servers. X person ganked me and now I’m 60 so I’m going to own him!
At no point did I expect it to shift to 40 man raids trolling around and camping every zone with honorspy addons, effectively giving every player an enhanced track humanoids. That’s not the same PvP experience from vanilla and it’s not what people “signed up” for
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You realize I’m a pro pvp server person right? I’m loving my server. I’m just defending people who don’t want to wpvp to get off my server.
The problem you fail to understand, is that no, people didn’t understand it was going to be a gankfest, they thought it was going to be large scale battles where people went back and forth. It’s that way on some pvp servers, it’s definitely not on others.
People aren’t you, and your expectations on a subject aren’t universal.
If we allow all the pve scrubs to transfer off the server, you still keep all the people who WANT that type of content, and who actively participate, and people stop crying about it. It’s a win win for everyone.
I can agree with you on letting them transfer off. As a paid service.
Exactly. I thought PVP meant a back and forth between both factions. Completely one-sided PVP ALL THE TIME, was not what I had in mind. Let me transfer off.
Why does paid matter to you?
I WANT them to leave, i don’t want to put another roadblock in their way to do so. I also don’t think Blizzard should be paid for their myopic decisions.
I dont understand the animosity directed at the OP.
I would bet ever single one of you on the Horde side have people in your guilds who ALSO dont want to be on these PvP realms any more. They dont have what it takes now that honor has kicked in.
If honor had been turned on day 1, we absolutely would have less population issues than we do today, on these horde leaning (90% of them?) pvp realms.
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Pvp server on wow was always a gank fest and even worse now with More people on servers how did people not know this would happen
Ahh world pvp is back baby as a 20+ year pk from Ultima online - the first 3-4 years of WoW, ITS GREAT TO BE BACK!!! Let all these people that didn’t get to experience the golden years of MMOs xfer to a PvE server then condense our PvP servers so us adults can continue having a great time.
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Leave the Moors out of this. They had a hard enough time in Europe during the middle ages.
i think you’re referring to “the moops”
complainers will always complain. You have no business whining about Wpvp on classic pvp servers.
If you rolled on a pvp server to do PvE contents then you have only yourself to blame and only yourself to solve what ills you.
The players who are doing nothing but wpvp in any form on a pvp server are the ones who are playing it right.
The majority of us came back to classic because we were finally on the winning side of the argument that the whiners had won nearly from the start and still we can’t get away from them.
They infect everything they desire with mediocrity. GO AWAY!!!
which is why we should allow them to transfer to pve realms.
That is something the pvp crowd needs to figure out. If a pve person doesnt want to pvp then thats on them. Forcing them to stay to be your cannon fodder isnt good.
Faction changes wont do anything, most horde are going to stay horde because thats what they like and a lot dont want to lose the advantage they have.
Let the people transfer (paid/free… idc) and be happy, the pvp crowd/servers will adjust themselves or die. That just shows how a lot of players feel about pvp servers.
If anything they need to make more pve servers as they are getting crowded.
I would say it’s more to do with the fact they like the faction more and the racials that go with their class.
For instance orc/warlock is one of the strongest combos in the game, but if i went alliance, not only would i have worse racials, but i’d have to face wotf AND shamans.
I would join a horde minority pvp server in a heartbeat if i could convince my guild to come along though.
They can do that now. Leave it all behind and go start fresh. What price can you put on happiness?
But you think that will end it? …has it ever ended?
When someone wants the entire premise of the game altered to make their gameplay satisfying, rather than taking the steps themselves to alter their own landscape, then they will only ever do more harm than good to the game.
Eventually, if allowed, they would want to simply stand still and have the entire contents of the game move towards them.