People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Bad healing is a reactive role. Good healing is a proactive role that is aware of the damage profile of the coming fight and plans their resources to respond accordingly. Only triage (panic healing) should be reactive and every healer has tools for that. This is even more important if you have a lot of absorbs or shield heals.

The more you plan before an encounter, the less you have to scramble and guess while the content is happening around you. When that happens, it frees up a lot of brainspace to I dunnoā€¦ press Sunfire I guess.


You have weird fixation of X is tanks job, Y is healers and Z is DPS. The goal of a mythic keys is to finish it in time, it doesnt matter how you get there in the end. If you want to play ā€œproperlyā€ you maximize the things you can do to end in that result. If it involves DPSing as healer then you dps, if hybrids can throw some heals and save group from a wipe in a hectic moment then they do that, simple as that.

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Its a healer role. The main duty is to ensure the hp bars stay green. Requiring the healer to dps is a byproduct of M+ timers and climbing difficulty.

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I played with spell effects on till i got to the voidark series, then i had to turn it off because i literally couldnt see anything. I turned it off in Fun Scaith

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How does the game punish me if I play a healer outside of my ā€œjob?ā€ Name one thing that restricts me from doing damage as a healer that doesnā€™t involve the name of the role.

I have news for you healer dps has been a thing before m+ was ever invented


No this is just not true unless youre doing a low key where youre overgeared. Since there is unavoidable damage, and you cant over heal, everything is proactive. For a disc priest, perhaps less so. Maybe a druid too - but I still say its all reacting to outgoing damage.

I disagree with that, too. Iā€™ve been an on and off healer since MoP. Iā€™ve healed arena, dungeons, raidsā€¦all of them Iā€™ve contributed DPS where I can. It serves to make my groups more effective, generally. I donā€™t expect people in my groups to be perfect, but I expect them to try. As long as the effort is there, I wonā€™t complain.

A better question is, if youre still timing the key, why are players punishing the healer if he plays within his role?

and thatā€™s when healer are expected to heal. What happens when there are no unavoidable dmg? Thereā€™s about a handful of unavoidable dmg on dungeon and most are just down time where you just top up players every now and then. What do you do during that time? AFK and wait for some1 to get hit?

ā€¦why is asking the healer to contribute the same as tanks and DPS (using every available GCD) a punishment?

PvP is different. Were talking strictly M+ here. In PvP, every class plays every role as well as the spec is built for it.

Okay maybe Iā€™m dumb but you said ā€œthis isnā€™t trueā€ and then proceeded to concur with what I saidā€¦ whereā€™s the part where you disagreed with me?

Theyā€™re not. No one is punishing players for playing badly in low level keys where it doesnā€™t matter. Thatā€™s not something we should be rewarding either and Iā€™m not going to sit here and tell healers, even new healers, that itā€™s good play to not do damage.

If you donā€™t want to play better, thatā€™s fine. Youā€™ll eventually hit a wall that you canā€™t progress past and that wall will be lower than if you developed your healer skillset further by incorporating damage. Informing you that there is a way to improve your play that youā€™re not touching is not a punishment.


WTB a downvote button

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People wonder why no one wants to heal or tank when DPS, the literal easiest role in the game, throws childish tantrums that the two harder roles are not doing enough :roll_eyes:

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Gonna really need to disagree with this one, to be honest. Itā€™s all pretty subjective, but with a good group healing is WAAAAAAAY easier than DPS. Good DPS stop important casts and avoid damage, healers just use their 3 button rotation. Canā€™t really speak to tank.

thatā€™s pretty much the thing that people seem to not understand. If you play really well and the guy you play with see it chances are you get a whisper to saying ā€œgood job thereā€ and can then be ā€œcan I add you on my friends listā€. Effort goes along way on this game to get you to keep moving forward


In this case, yes I guess a healer can be expected to do some damage. You said damage is relatively low nowadays allowing for the healer to have more opportunity for damage globals.

Fine. That may be a design decision by Blizzard. They want the healer to do more damage. I wonder if this trend will continue in DF.

Tank is mechanically on par with dps, its all the extra stuff which tank does(leading role, routing, etc.) which makes it imo objectively hardest role in m+.


To be fair, even this doesnā€™t bother me all that much. Even if you exclusively do PuGs where thereā€™s 4 party members whose quality is out of your controlā€¦ the 5th memberā€™s quality (you) is entirely within your control. If I have two players, one putting in 50% and the other putting in 100% and put them in a 100 dungeons with four random party members, which one will have the higher average total group quality?

You know what higher average total group quality does? It means you time keys more often and you plateau at a higher key level. But thereā€™s a cyclical effect thereā€¦ the higher your plateau is, the greater the average effort level of the other 4 random group members youā€™re randomly selecting will be since key level tends to filter on skill level. That makes the disparity even greater. It is rare for 100% players to be trapped with 50% players for very long.

Given what Iā€™ve seen from the healer talent treesā€¦ Iā€™m gonna say yes.